Parents’ Meeting 25th September 2018 Scholastic Year 2018-2019 The Future begins here! Parents’ Meeting 25th September 2018 Scholastic Year 2018-2019
School Opening Hours Morning assembly starts at 8.15am sharp. It is very important that all students are present. All primary students will enter through door opposite Gnien l-Eden. Doors open at 8.10am (exception on rainy days) Only children who use transport will be allowed to go inside before this time.
Dismissal Dismissal will be through main door opposite Gnien l-Eden (where there are fountains) Doors for Year 1s open at 2.05pm followed by Year 2, etc. Don’t park in the parking if you want to leave as there are signs and you will not be allowed. Do not go up the stairs. Wait down for teachers to hand children over to you.
School Uniform All students are to wear the school uniform. For now they will be wearing the Summer uniform. You will be informed when to change to winter uniform (depending on weather) Most probably 6th November. When they have PE lessons students are to come to school wearing their PE kit. All uniform items are to be labelled.
Dress Code Students should come to school in a clean uniform. Students with long hair are to tie it back neatly. Any kind of make-up and nail polish is prohibited.
Absenteeism Students are excused from school only in cases of illness or for a valid reason which needs to be documented from both parents by a letter. A medical certificate needs to be presented once the child returns back to school together with the Medical Certificate Record Card. Kindly inform school when your child is not going to attend school.
A Valid Medical certificate name and address of student, date when the child was medically examined, the period of time that the medical certificate is valid for clear doctor’s signature and stamp. this must be also on the medical card you were/will be given.
Discipline and Responsibility Our school believes in discipline. Students need to follow the school/class rules, obey, study and respect their teachers & authority. Any kind of Bullying is prohibited Students who misbehave on school transport will not be allowed to use transport anymore. Students who do not take care of school property/books have to pay for the damage.
Communication with the school To facilitate communication between parents and teachers we have the Home-School Link Copybook. It’s important that you check this copybook everyday, and if there is a note kindly sign next to it so that the teacher knows you have read it.
Healthy Eating Abide by our school Healthy Eating Policy. Encourage children to eat fruits and veggies. No cakes on birthdays. No goody bags either. You can coordinate with teacher and send fruits if you want. Invitations for parties are not to be distributed at school. Kindly inform us of children who suffer from any type of allergy.
Data sheets Kindly fill in data sheets you will be given today and pass them on by next Monday if possible.
Pick ups Give us names of those persons who have permission to pick your child up from school in your absence, together with their ID card number. When someone who is not the legal guardian of the child comes for pick up, they need to bring their ID card with them.
Consent Forms Please sign the consent forms for outing because otherwise we will have to keep your child at school. Give a folder to your child so as to keep these consent forms handy. Those parents who do not give their consent for their child to have head screened will have to take their child to Top brands to be screened.
Transport & Circulars Children who use transport will be given a badge with the Bus Route. It’s important that children carry this with them everyday. Inform teacher today of bus route. Circulars will be sent through electronic mail. Please give your email address to the teacher to update in our system. Any tel/mobile/address change please inform administration office asap.
Appointments You can kindly call or send an email to to make an appointment if you need to talk to any of my Assistant heads or myself. I will be seeing parents on Thursdays starting from 2nd week of October. Mr Clayton Pisani i/c of Kinder Ms Rosemarie Mifsud i/c of Year 1 & 2 Mr Mark Abela i/c of Year 3 & 4 Mr Mark Camilleri i/c of Year 5 & 6
Website & FB page We will try to keep you updated with what is going on at school through our website, FB page and an online calendar (still a work in progress) Website: FB page: Mellieha Primary School Google calendar which can be synced to your phone/laptop/tablet/pc.
School Calendar School Development on 15th October Parents’ Evening on 7th November
School Calendar Log onto your Google Calendar, by going to On the left, you will see "Other Calendars". Click on the small triangle in front of the words to open it to a list. Copy and Paste the below address into the box that says "Add a Friend's Calendar", then press Enter
MRC Mellieha Primary School 2018-2019 Thank You for coming MRC Mellieha Primary School 2018-2019