Ch. 2.1 Vocabulary Quiz 4 Pics, 1 Word Directions: 1. You will be given a Quiz Answer Sheet with a Word Bank. 2. Write your name and class period in the space provided on your quiz answer sheet. 3. . Each slide will have a set of 4 pictures. Look at the pictures and determine which word the pictures represent based on its definition.
Practice Word
#1 Can spoil food quickly. The signs of spoilage include the smell or taste of alcohol, white or pink discoloration, slime, and bubbles
#4 A disease transmitted to people by food.
#6 The Microorganisms that cause illness.
#7 The Body’s defense against illness.
#8 When two or more people get the same illness after eating the same items.
#9 Occurs when harmful things are present in food, making it unsafe to eat.
#10 Something with the potential to cause harm. There are 3 categories: Biological, Physical, and Chemical.
#11 Food that is most vulnerable for pathogen growth.
#12 The leading cause of foodborne illness. They can survive refrigerator and freezer temperatures.. People carry them in their feces and can transfer them if they do not wash their hands after using the restroom.
#13 A way to remember the six conditions in which bacteria need to grow.
#14 Can cause illness but most commonly, they are responsible for spoiling food. They are found in air, soil, plants, water, and some food. Examples include Mold and Yeast.
#15 Organisms that live in another organism (host). Receives nutrients from the host.
#17 The transfer of allergens to the food served to a customer.
#21 Causes many foodborne illnesses. As they grow and die, they create toxins (poisons) in food. Cooking may not destroy these toxins, as people who eat them may become sick.