REGION VI OSHA UPDATE Dorinda Folse Deputy Regional Administrator 2018 Annual North Texas OSHA Regulatory Update Seminar
Agenda Inspection Activities Significant Cases Cooperative Programs
Inspections October 1, 2017 – August 29, 2018 All Inspections: 4,625 Safety: 3,991 Health: 747 No. of Fatalities Investigated: 225 *23 less than this time last fiscal year. Total No. of Violations Issued: 7,195 Average Current Serious Penalty Amount: $3,612
Inspections October 1, 2017 – September 1, 2018 % Construction: 52.3% % General Industry: 48.7% % Programmed: 56.0% % Un-Programmed: 44.0% % Follow-up: 4%
Region VI – Severe Injury Reports
Regional Emphasis Programs FY 2018 Construction - CPL 2 02-00-14 Cranes used in Construction - CPL 2 02-00-021 Fall Hazards in Non-Construction Ind.- CPL 2 02-00-024 Grain Handling Facilities - CPL 2 02-00-028 Health Hazards in Healthcare Industry - CPL 2 02-00-029
Regional Emphasis Programs FY2018 Continued Heat Illness - CPL 2 02-00-027 High Noise in Mfg. Industries - CPL 2 02-00-023 Poultry Processing - CPL 2 02-00-030 Fabricated Metal Products - CPL 2 02-00-022A Upstream Oil and Gas Industry – CPL 2 02-00-013 Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate – CPL 2 02-031
Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) Scaffolding (1926.451) Ladders (1926.1053) Fall Protection – Training (1926.503) Eye and Face Protection (1926.102) Hazard Communication (1910.1200) Head Protection (1926.100) Aerial Lifts (1926.453) General Safety and Health Provisions (1926.20) Fall Protection – Systems Criteria and Practices (1926.502) This is a list of the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards during inspections of all construction and General Industry worksites in FY 2016.
Significant Enforcement Actions Cases with Penalties $140,000 or Greater Berry Marble Company dba US Granite Safety Follow-up $318,867 Violations: LO/TO, PPE, Machine Guarding, Slings, Hazard Communication German Pellets of Texas Workplace Fatality $305,884 Violations: 5(a)(1), Confined Spaces, Unguarded Augers, (lack of) Air Monitoring, Unguarded Floor Openings Alexander Tank Company Safety Complaint $283,255 Violations: Fall Protection, Electrical, Confined Spaces, Material Handling, PPE, Noise, Respirators, Hazard Communication Genan, Inc. Workplace Fatality $204,549 Violations: 5(a)(1) Respiratory Protection and Confined Space Precision IBC $192,307 Violations: Respirators, Confined Spaces, Hexavalent Chromium, Methylene Chloride, Hazard Communication, PPE El Paso Underground $190,642 Violations: Trench Cave-In Hazards, No Safe Egress from Trench, No Trench Protection
Significant Enforcement Actions Novel Case with Significant Penalty Cottonwood Financial Ltd., dba Cash Store Novel WPV $126,749 Violations: 5(a)(1) Workplace Violence
Alliances Program New in FY 2017 4 Renewed in FY 2017 16 New in FY 2018 2 Renewed in FY 2018 10 Drafts 7 Total Alliances 52
Partnership Program New in FY 2017 1 Renewed in FY 2017 3 New in FY 2018 7 Renewed in FY 2018 Drafts 2 Total Partnerships 11
Total VPP Sites: (as of 3/26/2018) FY 2017 Star Merit Mobile Workforce Total Federal 521 1 4 526 State 10 FY 2018 (October 2017 – March 26, 2018) Federal (Approvals) 7
Hurricane Harvey
Item Corpus Christi OCS Houston (N) OCS Houston (S) OCS LA-Beaumont OCS Total Incident # # of outreaches (briefings) performed 628 157 147 62 994 # of employees reached via outreaches 5483 2354 1061 342 9240 # non English Speaking employees 1608 598 489 108 2803 # of Interventions 867 109 319 49 1344 # of employees reached via interventions 4028 906 1976 568 7478 # of employees removed from hazards via interventions 1744 753 1241 562 4300 # of enforcement actions # of hazards observed/addressed 1890 170 559 250 2869 # of incident related complaints/referrals 11 31 1 54 # of incident related injuries (workers) # of incident related fatalities (workers) 5 6 # of incident related illnesses (workers)
Region VI OSHA Training Institute Education Centers Mid-South Alliance Safety Council Email: Phone: (877) 345-2515 Oklahoma State University Email: (405) 744-5714 Texas A&M Engineering Service Email: (800) 723-3811 The University of Texas Arlington Email: (866) 906-9190 Here is a list of the OSHA Region VI OSHA Training Institute Education Centers and their contact information. Our OSHA Education centers provide valuable safety and health training every day. We thank you for taking the time to visit with us today, and wish you
Region VI Education Centers Quarterly WebEx Safe + Sound Amputation Silica Preventing Falls Next WebEx October - Healthcare
Region VI Consultation Services FY 2017 Total Visits Closed in FY 2017: 3,481 SHARP Sites 129 Active As a result of these visits, 5 imminent dangers, 7,964 serious, 1,057 other than serious and 272 regulatory hazards were identified
Total Visits Closed in FY 2017: 3,481 Region VI - Consultation Services Size of Employers Receiving in FY 2017 Total Visits Closed in FY 2017: 3,481
Upcoming Conferences 2018 OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference OSHA Region VI with the University of Texas at Arlington OSHA Education Center, co-hosted the inaugural OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference in Irving, Texas. 450 conference attendees, with 35 break-out sessions. Upcoming September 13-14, 2018 2018 OSHA Oil & Gas Safety Conference OSHA Region VI with the University of Texas at Arlington OSHA Education Center, co-hosted the 5th biennial OSHA Oil & Gas Safety Conference in Houston, Texas. More than 1,000 industry professionals, 90 diverse breakout sessions, and 100 exhibitors. Upcoming in December
Other Outreach Events 2018 Amputation Stand Down China Delegation Education Centers WebEx Fall Stand Down Ladder Symposium NUCA Live Trench Training Trenching Safety Symposium Trenching Stand Down Tower Crane Awareness Training West Texas Excavation Safety Day 10-Hour Construction Training – High School
Working Together, We Can Help 800-321-OSHA (6742)