© 2009 VMware Inc. All rights reserved VMware Service Provider Program 3.0 Bart Schneider Hosting Manager Northern EMEA
Gartner: VMware is the Clear Market Leader VMware is clearly ahead in: Understanding the market Product strategy Business model Technology innovation, Product capabilities Sales execution VMware Strengths: Far-reaching virtualization strategy enabling cloud computing, new application architectures and broader management Technology leadership and innovation High customer satisfaction Large installed base (especially Global 2000), and rapid growth of service providers planning to use VMware (vCloud) VMware stands alone as a leader in this Magic Quadrant
Cloud Computing Efficient Flexible Dynamic Trusted Reliable Secure DATACENTER TODAY The Path to IT as a Service Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud App Loads App Loads App Loads App Loads App Loads Federation & Choice Standards Bring Cloud Computing to the Enterprise Datacenter
Different Types Of Cloud Computing 2 Main Deployment Environments External – Accessible over the internet for general consumption Internal – Behind corporate firewall for use by limited, pre-determined audience 3 Main Types or Personalities SaaS = Application/Information – Sometimes referred to as Software-as-a-Service, a wide ranging services delivered via varied business models normally available as public offering. PaaS = Development – Sometimes referred to as Platform-as-a-Service, application development platforms enable application authoring and runtime environment. IaaS = Infrastructure – Sometimes referred to as elastic compute clouds or Infrastructure-as-a- Service, virtual hardware made available for varied uses.
13 Confidential The VMware vCloud Portfolio vSphere – The Cloud OS vCloud Director SpringSource Zimbra Others.. View Application/ Information (SaaS) Development (PaaS) Infrastructure (IaaS) Cloud Service Providers Enterprise Customers Federation Others..
VMware vCenter Datacenter 1 Datacenter 2 Data Center Interconnect DB Apps Next: Long Distance VMotion
VMware vCloud for Service Providers Objective: A comprehensive strategy to partner with Service Providers and enable them to deliver enterprise cloud services Phase (Timing)Programs/SolutionsProducts Phase 1 (2009): vCloud Initiative launched VSPP program and licensing vCloud Express Phase 2 (2010): vCloud Infrastructure platform and vCloud Datacenter Service VSPP 3.0 program and licensing enhancements vCloud Datacenter vCloud Director vShield Edge View Premier Zimbra, Spring Phase 3 (late ): Hybrid cloud capabilities vCloud Plug-In Phase 4 (2011-): Connecting users and SaaS and desktop services Platform-as-a-Service Further hybrid cloud capabilities Project Horizon AppCloud Identity Management as a Service Host based replication Long distance vMotion Historical Today Future
VMware vCloud Technology Badges Services built on VMware vCloud and VMware vSphere products 1) VMware Virtualized – The service badge for all VSPP Service Providers who offer any public cloud service based on VMware vSphere. 2) VMware vCloud Powered – A new service badge for all VSPP Service Providers who offer any public or hybrid cloud service based on VMware vSphere and VMware vCloud Director that exposes the VMware vCloud API and supports the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) for image upload and download.
VMware vCloud Co-Branded Services Services co-branded with VMware that are based on VMware architecture, design and certification 1) VMware vCloud Datacenter Services – Globally consistent, enterprise-class cloud services delivered through leading VSPP Service Providers selected by VMware 2) VMware vCloud Express – Aimed at delivering convenience to endcustomers, VMware vCloud Express services offer reliable, on- demand, pay-as-you-go infrastructure with creditcard billing provided by VSPP Service Providers selected by VMware
VMware vCloud Technology Badges and Branded Services VMware Virtualized vCloud Powered vCloud Express vCloud Datacenter VMware vSphere-based xxxx VMware vCloud Director-based xxx Offers vCloud API & OVF VM file upload/download xxx VMware architecture, design and certification xx Software developer target x Enterprise IT target x Co-Branded Services Technology Badges
VSPP Program – Easy To Grow 11 Premier Enterprise Professional Registered Premier Enterprise Professional Minimum 1 VCP and Sign Contract with Aggregator at 360 points or above Minimum 2 VCPs and Sign Contract with Aggregator at 3,600 points or above Minimum 4 VCP and Sign Contract with Aggregator at 18,000 points or above Application + Click-through Agreement * Note: VCP requirements are different in Developing Countries – see VSPP Program Guide for full details
Detailed vCloud Infrastructure Packaging vCloud Director (Redwood) Restricted for Single User & Single VDC vCloud Director (Redwood) Full functionality vCenter Chargeback vCenter Management Server vSphere with HA, VMotion, DRS (vSphere Standard + DRS) vSphere full functionality (vSphere Enterprise Plus) Production SnS 5 Points per Virtual RAM 15 Points per Virtual RAM vCloud StandardvCloud Premier vCloud Standard Service Provider Bundle – targeted at Pay Per Use service vCloud Premier Service Provider Bundle – targeted at Committed Resource Pool service
VSPP Product List & Point Values Product NamePoints /Month Charged Per vCloud Premier Service Provider Bundle 15Virtual RAM vCloud Standard Service Provider Bundle 5Virtual RAM View Premier 12Concurrent Connection ThinApp Client 2 Site Recovery Manager 22Protected Virtual Machine vCenter Server Heartbeat 486Protected vCenter Server vShield App 7Virtual Machine vShield Edge 5Virtual Machine vCenter CapacityIQ 4Virtual Machine tc Server 73Processor tc Server Spring Edition 97Processor Hyperic HQ EE 49Machine Zimbra Collaboration Suite Professional 1.75Mailbox Zimbra Collaboration Suite Standard 1.10Mailbox Zimbra Archiving & Discovery 1.10Mailbox Infrastructure as a Service -> Desktop as a Service -> Disaster recovery -> Network security -> Capacity management -> Tomcat Server -> Spring management -> hosting -> Note: Minimum Limits apply to Zimbra Products
vCloud Infrastructure Pricing in VSPP 3.0 Introducing a new pay-for-use model Based on new metric: virtual RAM allocated to VMs Two tiers of service designed to enable cloud providers to deliver a competitive enterprise cloud service Risk-sharing model: SPs are billed monthly based on virtual RAM metric, so license costs are proportional to SP revenue Key benefits Delivers key components to enable a cloud service – vSphere, vCloud Director, Chargeback, vCenter Server, Production SnS Opex model Lower HW capex from vSphere performance Linear model vs. flat per-VM pricing in current VSPP – aligns to how many providers deliver service
Service Provider How Virtual RAM Usage is Reported Service Provider installs Usage Metering Software VM on their vCenter server Software collects total allocated virtual RAM hourly and automatically sends it to Aggregator every month Aggregator generates report from data to bill Service Provider and submit to VMware for audit Process flow: VMware vCenter Usage Metering SW Aggregator VMware
Timing and Transition Options for VSPP Program 1.New VSPP Members: 2.Current VSPP Members: Virtual RAM model 10/1/2010 All Per VM contracts end 3/31/2012 Last order date for Per VM contract 3/31/2011 Last date to buy Per VM 12/31/2010 Virtual RAM Per VM Virtual RAM model 10/1/2010 Virtual RAM
Summary of VSPP 3.0 Program Enhancements Product Moving from a per VM model to a per virtual memory (RAM) model Metering software to be used for the per virtual RAM pricing model Adding additional products to VSPP program More competitive View Premier pricing SKUs Adding 30,000 Points SKU to the VSPP line card Program Conformity Process Removing VSP requirements Proposal Based MDF for Premier VSPP members
VSPP 3.0 Rental Requirements Sign a contract with an aggregator and commit a minimum number of Points per month for a 1 year period After receiving the keys the SP must report the peak number of allocated vRam during that month to local aggregator Can only use VSPP in own data centre or in colocation data centre VSPP cannot be used on a end customers location Service Providers/SISO/Telcos are not allowed to buy perpetual VMware licenses via Distribution, VAR channel, OEMs or Resellers and use this for Multitenant hosting/cloud
Summary of Program Start-up Logistics StepWhoWhere/ How Join VSPPService ProviderLogin to Partner Central Approved at Registered Level VMware Partner Operations Verify partner is a Service Provider Add usersService ProviderAdd users in Partner Central Get VCPsService Provider Staff Attend training, pass exam, will be shown in Partner Central in 2-4 weeks Place OrderService Provider and Aggregator Contract signed between SP and Aggregator for Specific minimum point amount Licenses requestedAggregatorVerify pre-requisite training is done, Place stocking order Licenses delivered/ SnS started VMwareVMware sends licenses corresponding to the requested point amount to the SP
Pilot 90 days grace period VCP SP must sign in as a registered service provider partner and accept the click thru agreement SP must and can only place a 360pts order Order/PO can be placed via the normal process SP has 90 days time to get the VCP person certified and the Aggregator must follow up and keep tracking this!! SP can only upgrade or renew when they have the VCP person certified SP has no benefits like NFR/IUL, etc at the registered partner level Timeframe till 31 st of December 2010
Conformity Process The VSPP Program Office is pleased to announce the VSPP Conformity Process (Previously internally known as VSPP Compliance Process). This is a limited time (till 31 st of March 2011) initiative which allows existing Service Providers who purchased under perpetual licenses to take advantage of the VSPP. In general, the Conformity Process will allow a Service Provider to: Consume additional licenses (via the VSPP Rental Agreement ONLY!!) Be compliant on existing licenses through VSPP EULA Amendment Extension, but cant buy anymore! Have access to future vCloud Products Be included in VMware Service Provider Program for all program benefits
Hosting EULA Amendment VSPP contracts from aggregators amend the VMware EULAs for products subscribed to by Service Providers to allow hosting Sign contract once, No additional EULA changes are required as new products are available through the subscription model VMware End User license Agreements do not allow for products to be used in hosting environments
Marketing VSPP There are 2 ways to do marketing with VMware 1) The SP sets up an event where they invite VMware and maybe other vendors. VMware can deliver a speaker and some budget. So the SP is in the lead and must organize/invite find a location themselves. Example can be a Datacenter tour combined with a presentation of the VMware products the SP is using in their proposition to the market. 2) VMware will set up an event and will ask the SP to participate as a sponsor. VMware will set up the event and will be in the lead of the organization/location/invitation, etc. Examples are vForum, SMB campaign, VMworld, etc.
VSPP Partners EMEA
VSPP Aggregator EMEA 25 Confidential