By Rosin, Emily and Findley Ewan Tavendale By Rosin, Emily and Findley
First Impressions “Everyone knows what they are, the gourdon fishers, they’d wring silver out of a corpse’s wame and call stinking haddocks perfume fishes and sell them at a shilling a pair” – Ewan is also seen as somewhat “alien” as he comes from the Highlands. Ewan was also described as "a dour young devil of a Highland man“ There are rumours going round that Ewan and Sarah Sinclair had sex which adds to Ewan’s bad reputation - “First it was Sarah Sinclair and the foreman at Upperhill, Ewan Tavendale he was, that the speak rose round…and what had they been doing there on their lone?” They are seen coming out the woods blushing and in a mess. This links to his reputation of taking advantage of women which makes the reader and Chris suspicious of him. Sarah Sinclair and Ewan Tarvendale, the foreman at upperhill is seen coming out of the woods during the night. Ewan Travendale and Chris are introduced by her brother Will. Chris is originally disgusted by what she has heard about Ewan and his relationship with a woman called Sarah. Help me I’m trapped in these notes.
The Kiss/Confused Feelings Part 1 Afterwards, in the dark, a stranger bumps into Chris. He takes her in his arms rough and strong and kisses her. She scratches his face and kicks him. In bed later on, however, she thinks it was like being bitten by a beast, but as though she’d half liked the beast and the biting. She has a dream that makes her blush. Chris and Ewan Tavendale: she half loves and half hates him when she meets him, he violently kisses her and would have taken possession of her if she did not manage to run away. - ˮit was like being bitten by a beast but as though she half liked the beast and the bitingˮ Because of the heat, Chris strips off to her underclothes while she is baking. Ewan Tavendale suddenly appears in the doorway. She feels herself blushing. He has a bad reputation, but after he kisses Chris, we realise that he is really only just a teenage boy under pressure. - “below it the skin was white as new milk” The whiteness suggests a purity, innocence and vulnerability about him underneath the rough exterior. Chris doesn’t think Ewan could be the boy that did all the things people said he did. - “He looked over young for the coarse, dour brute folk said he was, like a wild cat, strong and quick, she half-liked his face and half-hated it.” The metaphor “like a wild cat” has connotations of being sly and independent, not to be trusted. In reality he is straightforward but quite aggressive.
The Kiss/Confused Feelings Part 2 After the burning of Peesie’s Knapp on the way home someone kisses Chris and Chris eventually fights back by kicking him. - “Then she came to herself and kicked the man that held her, young he was with his soft, grained face.“ Later she works out that the man was Ewan. As we have been told that Ewan has been with a number of women it suggests that he assumed Chris would play along but he misjudged the situation. However when Chris realises that it was Ewan that kissed her she realises that she quite enjoyed the experience. “The soft, grained face” suggests that although she found the kiss rough she and the reader also realises that there is a softer side to Ewan.
Chris’ Attraction Although Ewan was an unstable character who supported Chris during events of her lead up of her father’s death and when her brother will went away to Aberdeen and doesn’t return for a while and the aftermath and respects Chris’ decision to follow her father’s religious views and not have sex before marriage. Chris describes Ewan as calm and quiet as he reminisces about Blawearie and his love for Chris