Social Emotional Learning By Debra Kirby and Amy Burns
Thought Bubble: Private ideas, words, or pictures that people can have in their brains.( Examples: I like your shirt or Your food smells yucky) Talk Bubble: words people say out loud. (Examples: “I like playing with you”, or “You are nice”)
The Group Plan: Actions that the group (your class, your family, your friends) are doing or will do. (Example: At the dinner table the group plan is to sit, eat, and take turns talking)
Whole Body Listening: Listening to the speaker (adult or peer) with eyes on them, quiet bodies, and mouths closed
Social Detective: A person who is thinking with their eyes and ears to learn about the group plan
Expected (Green) Behavior: Doing what fits with the group plan
Kind Reminder: A silent or spoken reminder to help someone return to the group plan if they are showing unexpected behavior
Complement: Words spoken to someone who is following the group plan to notice and praise the specific behavior they have chosen.
Emotional Regulation Emotional regulation is not innate….it is learned! Kids do what they see, not what they are told. Lessons, modeling, and practice will help our children!!