Discussion Section March 26, 2018 PLSC 111 Discussion Section March 26, 2018
Agenda Each student will give brief (1-2 minute) discussion of their paper topic Students will turn in paper copies No emailed copies will be accepted! Writing Assignment
Question #1 What is not part of the iron triangle? A) Congressional committees of jurisdiction B) Executive agencies C) Lobbyists D) Political Parties E) Interest Groups
Question #2 In the Thursday lecture, what example did Greg Robinson give in his family of a policy entrepreneur? A) Planned Parenthood B) Habitat for Humanity C) Broome County Democratic Party D) State Senator Fred Akshar E) Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
Question #3 According to the Thursday lecture, about how any former members of Congress were registered lobbyists as of 2011? A) 200 B) 400 C) 900 D) 2500 E) 7000
Question #4 In the Thursday lecture, what industry did Greg Robinson use as a primary example of an iron triangle? A) Transportation B) Defense C) Agriculture D) Veterans Programs E) Criminal Justice
Question #5 According to lectures this semester, which Supreme Court case does Greg Robinson see as being wrongly decided? A) Roe v. Wade B) Brown v. Board of Education C) Citizens United v. F.E.C. D) Obergefell v. Hodges E) Krasno v. Wisconsin