FD TIG Closing Report Date: 2018-09-14 Authors: September 2018 Name Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 September 2018 FD TIG Closing Report Date: 2018-09-14 Authors: Name Affiliations Address Phone email James Gilb GA-ASI, USD, GenXComm, Gilb Consulting Gilb_IEEE@yahoo.com Slide 1 1 1 Page 1 John Doe, Some Company
Abstract Closing Report for: Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 September 2018 Abstract Closing Report for: 802.11 FD TIG (Full Duplex Technical Interest Group) September 2018 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, HI USA Chair: James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting GenXComm) 2 2 Page 2 John Doe, Some Company
Approved 11-18-0498 as the FD-TIG report to 802.11 Presentations: September 2018 Accomplishments 3 time slots Approved 11-18-0498 as the FD-TIG report to 802.11 Presentations: 11-18-1222, 11-18-1540, 11-18-1588, 11-18-1632, 11-18-1600 Conference calls tentatively scheduled for 10/11/18 and 11/1/18 (Thursday) at 7 am PDT James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting GenXComm) 3
Full duplex work should be: A: A separate SG and amendment September 2018 Straw poll Full duplex work should be: A: A separate SG and amendment B: A part of the EHT and follow-on activities and amendmentor self cancellation James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting GenXComm)