Incentivizing data sharing In many communities it is common to share data, yet in the disciplines within the CMMI this is not the case. Are there lessons from these other disciplines that can be used in the CMMI? The objective of this group is to identify mechanisms that can be used to make data sharing the norm in the community. Are there approaches that reward PI’s for sharing data (as opposed to penalizing those that don’t)?
Rules (Sticks) Requirements from funding agencies Requirements from publishers/editors Community developed and agreed norms Tools (Carrots) Improved individual/group productivity Recognition Rewards
Incentives/Tools Competitions/Challenges with prizes (bragging rights) Demonstration problems for use of data - gives more citations Publicize/showcase examples of data sharing and citation results ; more citations for telling people how to do something; showing can publish good data will get job easier... share embargo'd data with potential collaborator for price of future publication. Competitive advantage in Funding if you publish data Supplements for xxx which involve data sharing Make e-lab book format which is easy to use Make data resources which are easy to access Citations, top cited, top downloaded, top dependency... Agree upon ontology/Schema for fields Failed expts is just as important for AI, need the things that don't work just as much as the final published beautiful samples, dark data. Feed model with same input file as stored data, fund model that can use dark data and light data; then model says where need next data set. Experimental design possibilities. Experiments as a service , fund this as needed. Licenses for sharing, explain data copyright, frequently asked Q&A Data commons idea (e.g. NIH), incentivize putting data place x. Improve chances of getting a job, promotion, etc. Publish metadata and get people to contact you for collaborations
Rules Data mgmt plan enforcement – requirement for continued funding Must get accession number for publication of data downloaded from a repository - proof that data has been accessed Digital footprint from prior support required Infrastructure tax to support data infrastructure Require NSF fellows to store data University require data deposit along with thesis Embargo data until a certain time – 1 year or until tenure Data and publication closely coupled