Break-out session 1 Group 1 DLB Phase 2 Planning Break-out session 1 Group 1
Discussion Key Question: Should we restrict ourselves to alumni only? - We need to form a Pan Africa movement/ or network that would create connectivity and facilitate sharing of skills amongst the experts with a possibility of sharing germplasm. Focus on Alumni but open up to existing networks e.g. Africa Plant breeding Association, Plant breeding academy so that we become part of the larger network instead of working in isolation – lets ride on the synergy
Question 1: What are the key benefits that could emerge from this outreach? Guiding question is how do we reach out institutionally to the Alumni/expert community (breeders). Develop or design outreach program focusing on “champion trainers” that combines array of expertise/skills – modelling, Data, statistics among others. BUT: what would benefit people to join these network? We can think about them having a “stake” in the process – as part of the network they can share information, germplasm – hence encourage them to interact with larger community A buy-in from Institutional heads is strategy that can work effectively. BUT, how do we implement this? Remember institutional heads focus on advancing institutional agenda which might be broader than the mandate of this network. Developed market demand information – will provide incentives to companies/market players
Champion 1 Champion 2 Champion 3 Champion 4 Mentoring 15 Mentoring 25 Mentoring 10 Mentoring 30
Question 2: Do you think there are sensitivity issues? Cost related to effort and time devoted to the program/alumni network – and even companies looking at the marketing costs, licensing. Failure of seed companies to see the value of breeding program – on different varieties. The whole process of commercialization need to be clearly articulated so that there is a symbiotic relations – to drive away the mistrust among key players. Private companies focus on immediate returns - market prospective. Buy-in from institutional heads – as a breeder/expert, do you participate in your individual capacity or as an institution? Conflict of interest – between breeders/Institutions: Companies want exclusive rights while public NARS regard priority crop varieties as “public good” This has necessitated non-disclosure of information/less interaction between companies and public breeders.