Thermal Preservation
Heat Processing Transfers heat into the food, thus destroying bacteria and enzymes which can cause the food to spoil.
Blanching To suspend food in boiling water for a short time to kill the enzymes in the food. This process is used to prepare vegetables and fruit for freezing. Foods which might be blanched: a. peas b. butterbeans c. corn
Pasteurization To apply a low heat which will destroy pathogenic microorganisms and stop enzyme activity. Increases the shelf life of foods. Does not cause much change to the look, taste or feel of the food.
Foods which may be blanched: Eggs (eggnog, mayonnaise, caesar salad dressing) Milk/milk products Beer/wine Fruit juices
Commercial Sterilization A. Used for canned food products (both commercial and home canned) B. Destroys microbes that can cause spoilage, produce toxins or cause food borne illness. C. Allows food to keep for up to two years- sometimes longer.