August 6-10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Essential Questions/Standards What is expected of me? How do I set up my computer? What is expected of me in this class? How can I better understand my school community? 7.RI.KID.1, 7.RI.KID.2, 7.RI.KID.3, 7.L.VAU.4 EQ: how do events influence people? What is the main idea of the article? Lesson -Computer distribution and procedures -Registration packets -House Quiz -Assign lockers -Read the handbook 1:1 training Get to know your teacher Classroom rules/procedures Selfie Game Go over syllabus and teacher website Ice breaker activities BR: KWL chart Close Read: whole group Task Cards Summarizer/Homework/Assessment Return registration information ASAP Return signed syllabus paper Technology contracts are due tomorrow Complete the L section of the KWL chart. Return registration packets ASAP. Technology contracts due August 10.