What is Statistics? Skill 01.


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Presentation transcript:

What is Statistics? Skill 01

Statistics… Study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from a set of data.

Terms to Know… Individuals Variable Objects in the study The characteristic to be measured or observed

Terms to Know… Quantitative Variable Qualitative Variable Uses numerical measurement where it is possible to average or add Qualitative Variable Individuals are put into a category or group No numerical measurements

Terms to Know… Population Data Sample Data Data from ALL individuals Data from SOME of the individuals

Terms to Know… Population Parameter Sample Statistic Numerical measure to describe some part of a population Sample Statistic Numerical measure to describe some part of a sample

I passed a bag of M&Ms to each student, I want to know the average number of each color of M&M in all bags of M&Ms. Identify the individuals… Identify the variable… Is the data collected a sample? If so what is the total population? Qualitative or Quantitative? Why? How could we make it the other kind of data? Is the proportion of viewers a statistic or parameter?

A METV wants to know the proportion of TV owners in Iowa who watch the M*A*S*H at least once a week. The stations asks a group of 1000 TV owners in Iowa if they watch M*A*S*H at least once a week. Identify the individuals… Identify the variable… Is the data collected a sample? If so what is the total population? Qualitative or Quantitative? Why? How could we make it the other kind of data? Is the proportion of viewers a statistic or parameter?

Skill 01: What is Statistics? Summarize Notes Read section 1.1 Homework Worksheet