Simple yet effective methods to use in the classroom
Post-it note comparisons e.g key words, language devices, character profiles
Word banks Students are able to ‘steal’ key words and sentence starters to assist them in their writing….
…..all of which are written by the students themselves.
Short stories: ‘tweet’ style! Encourages students to be creative and develop key ideas, leading up to a piece of extended writing.
Personalised Tasks
Able student - lacking confidence High Ability Able student - lacking confidence
Low level student EAL student
This type of task provoked detailed responses and the students enjoyed how personalised the tasks were.
Post it note task tracker This encourages independence and allows teachers to track in lesson progress.
Post it note ‘playlist’ Students who are working well are able to choose a song to add to the class playlist: this encourages them to engage with the tasks.
If you have any post-it note teaching strategies of your own, please grab a post-it note and share it with me – or leave your twitter! Thanks for listening!