1. 2. Do your best! You have 3 minutes! State if Rational or Irrational and Why 1. 2. You have 3 minutes!
Objective: I CAN determine if numbers are rational or irrational Agenda: 1. POD: Problem of the Day 2. Sprint Activity Job 1 – Completed Check for Understanding Exit Ticket WEBSITE: www.awesomealgebra.org
Key Vocabulary - Activity Counting Numbers (Natural Numbers): 1, 2,3,4, Whole Numbers: 0,1,2,3,4 Integers: Pos & Neg Whole # Rational Numbers – Numbers that end, repeats, or is a fraction Irrational Numbers – Decimals that don’t end or repeat
SPRINT ACTIVITY! Instructions: Leave paper upside down until you are told to “GO” You will have 1 Minute to figure out what to do and do as many as you can When you hear stop writing
Key Vocabulary Job 1 – Due End of Class
Check for Understanding State on a Learning Scale of 1 – 4 what level of understanding you are at on Whether A Function! 4 – Great & I can Teach 3 - Good & Understand it 2 – Can do must but need help on harder parts 1 – Can do only with help 0 – I Need Help
Exit Ticket Which Question gave you the most difficulty today? Why? Do your best! Which Question gave you the most difficulty today? Why?