Course information Credits: 3+0 ECTS Credits: 3 Type: Elective Language: English Web site:
Course description Decision analysis Group decision making Decision tables / payoff matrices Decision trees Group decision making Voting, Social choice functions Multiple Criteria Decision Making Structuring the problem Constructing the decision model Analyzing the problem Elementary methods SAW, WP, TOPSIS Outranking methods Analytic Hierarchy Process / Analytic Network Process
Course objectives Giving fundamental topics on decision making Modeling of decision making problems, providing students some methods those aid to solve decision problems with conflicting objectives Improving students’ decision making skills
Course learning outcomes Students who pass the course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects: getting knowledge about basic terms of decision making classifying and model decision making problems solving the problem by an appropriate solving method solving real world problems having conflicting criteria
References Web site of the course Up-to-date lecture notes and supplements Solutions to exams and homework Books Taylor B.W. 2012. Introduction to Management Science, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey. Render B., Stair Jr R.M., and Hanna M.E. 2011. Quantitative Analysis for Management. Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey. Goodwin P., Wright G. 2010. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Saaty T.L. 2001. Decision Making for Leaders. RWS Publ., Pittsburg. Saaty T.L. 2005. Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process. RWS Publ., Pittsburg. Vincke, Ph., 1992. Multi Criteria Decision Aid. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., West Sussex Web sites of other courses
Assessment Criteria Final exam (40%), Midterm exams (40%), Assignment (20%) Exams will be “multiple choice test”, “open book”, or "take home"
Exams Midterm exam 1 March 6 Midterm exam 2 April 10 Final exam Take home
Paper review Literature survey on a specific managerial decision making problem solved by various multi-criteria decision techniques. Groups will present journal papers related with decision making at the last week. Group work (max 3 students)
Paper review – Important dates Deadline for proposal submission: March 13 Deadline for report submission: April 30 Presentations: May 15
Paper review PROPOSAL SUBMISSION (e-mail message) – March 13 In which managerial application area would you study? Summary of the application area Which papers (from academic journals) have you found? (list of authors, titles, abstracts should be submitted) I will approve/disapprove your proposals and inform you at the class web site.
Paper review REPORT SUBMISSION (hard copy) - April 30 Literature survey aiming to explore the studies done for the application area chosen and to cover the theoretical issues underlying the project topic and current developments regarding the chosen topic. The synthesis of summaries and evaluation (with your own sentences and comments) of papers will be submitted. Please attach a copy of the full texts at the end of your report! PRESENTATION (powerpoint presentation) – May 15 The last week of the class will be spent listening actively to your peers as they present their reviews. A roughly 20 minute group presentation will made and the reviews will be discussed during the class. Students are expected to learn eagerly during these presentations.
Cheating and Plagiarism Do not! Studying together to understand the material is fine, but the work you hand in is to be your own. No cheating will be tolerated: A letter grade of F will be given!
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Kabak Office address Management Faculty A311, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212) 293 1300 /2039 office /2073 secretary Web site E-mail address
Assoc. Prof. at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2015) Post-doc studies at Belgium Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN) (2009-2010) A fuzzy multi attribute decision making approach for nuclear safeguards information management Ph.D. in ITU Industrial Engineering programme (2008) Modeling supply chain network using possibilistic linear programming and an application Research interests Operations Research (Mathematical programming) Modeling Complex Systems Fuzzy Decision Making
Prof. Dr. Y. İlker Topcu Office address Management Faculty C301, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212) 293 1300 /2069 office - (532) 355 5045 mobile Web site,,,, E-mail address
Professor at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2011) Associate Professorship in Operations Research (2005) Ph.D. in ITU Engineering Management programme (2000) Integrated decision aid model for multi-attribute problem solving Ph.D. research at Centre for Decision Research of Leeds University Business School (1998-1999) Research interests Decision Analysis, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Group Decision Making Operations Research / Management Science Logistics Management, Ethics in OR, Business Ethics, Transp’n, Energy, Bidding and Tender Systems, Scheduling