1 2.1 Service Components of Customer Service, the Business and Customer
2 Understand the components of customer service as it pertains to the particular business and customer Specifically: Who What When Where (environments) Why How Customer Service Mind Set/Win-Win Training
3 Who does Customer Service? It is safe to say that EVERY employee in a company has a stake in the success of the business… therefore… EVERY employee should service the customer. In Short, without customers, there are no jobs. The entire organization will benefit from service training -customers -vendors-suppliers -community-employees-shipping -credit-sales-tech support CustomerRevenuePayrollJobs
4 What is Customer Service? Defined for the use of THIS course… Customer Services is the process of developing customer satisfaction with a product, service, or sales opportunity. Many publications say not to give customer service a definition Customer service means different things to different people Customer service changes with a persons role Customer service can be determined with: Smiles Time Correct orders Listening What is customer service to YOU?
5 What is Customer Service? Defined for the use of THIS course… Customer Services is the process of developing customer satisfaction with a product, service, or sales opportunity. SERVICE IS… More than what you say, it is how you communicate Determined by the customer… and their expectations Understanding the customer, their wants and needs Effectively listening and communicating Consistent interaction with customers, employees, vendors, … Building rapport with customers, employees, vendors, …
6 When is Service done? Customer service and a businesss response to their customers is more than a sales opportunity WHEN is a business evaluated? Open & Closed Hours of Operation Business Condition/Facilities/Cleanliness Employees at & away from the business SignageAdvertising Image LanguagesEagerness to help Service provided After Hours In Short… service never stops because a business is ALWAYS being evaluated by customers and potential customers Hospitality Friendliness Time spent Cleanliness Environment Image Advertising Hours of Operation Culture Languages
7 Where is Service performed? FOR THIS COURSE we will look at the following locations as the basis of MOST customer service experiences: Call Centers A location where telecommunications is the major method of service (Phone) Retail Sales A location where trained sales associates assist customers Wholesale Sales A service opportunity for distributors to work with other distributors and retailers Service Industry A service specific businesss opportunity to assist customers Other Many other opportunities for sales associates to assist customers
8 Call Centers A location where telecommunications is the major method of service Phone Computer Chat Interaction with customer are typically on phone In-bound – Customers call INTO the center for service Out-Bound – Company makes call TO the customer Typically to solicit opinions, satisfaction measures, or for sales
9 Retail Service Typically a business that sells smaller quantities of goods or services to the general public Store Mall Kiosk Other Customers typically come INTO the business Measure foot traffic & sales from INSIDE the store
10 Wholesale Service Typically a business that buys large quantities of goods from various producers or vendors, warehouses the goods, and resells smaller quantities to retailers or other wholesalers Distributor: wholesaler that carries ONE brand Some businesses manage their own distribution centers
11 A action or deed of value performed to satisfy a need Services can range from legal, delivery, banking, medical, etc Most businesses have service components to sales Delivery Installation Warranty work Many businesses ARE the service that they perform Service Industry
12 Other types of Service There are many ways to interact with customers Internet Door to Door Panels Social Marketing The methods of customer interaction are ALWAYS CHANGING Just look at:
13 Why Customer Service? Customers and their satisfaction is how businesses are successful Remember: It is important to define what GOOD SERVICE is and how it benefits the business This is often done in the companys Mission Statement, Policies and Procedures One of the goals of every businesss service is to create RETURN CUSTOMERS (or repeat customers) These customers are often satisfied customers who will positively recommend the business to others (Word of Mouth) CustomerRevenuePayrollJobs
14 Customer Service – HOW? Companies typically develop their customer service policies and procedures based on research Mission Statement: A declaration of an organizations core purpose (and typically defines HOW they will communicate/interact with customers) Policy: A set of actions or principles set by a business to outline how to interact with customers Example: return policy, exchange policy, referral policy Procedure: A set of step-by-step activities or behaviors that must be followed to perform a task correctly Example: return procedure, special order procedure, warranty claim
15 RESEARCH Most companies utilize research to collect data on how to improve or maintain services they offer. Primary Research Data collected by the organization first hand-for their topic Can be sales records, complaints, suggestions, calls, etc. Secondary Research Data collected by another organization but which may apply to the current topic being evaluated Research is an integral component to CONTINUOUSLY providing great service Satisfaction, Wants, Needs, … Delivery, Timeliness, Cleanliness, Hospitality Effective communications
16 The Task… Research a Sales-Service company Identify the following: Mission Statement and how it correlates with the companys service Service Policies in use Service Procedures in use Customer identification – who is their base customer Plus: Who What When Where of the businesss services Why How