Mike Folk, Elena Pourmal, Kent Yang HDF Project Update Mike Folk, Elena Pourmal, Kent Yang The HDF Group Briefing to ESDIS October 16-17, 2012 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Project Goals Support for NASA HDF data providers and data users, and the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) Maintenance and quality assurance for HDF4 and HDF5 libraries and utilities Evolving the HDF4 and HDF5 libraries and utilities to meet new NASA EOS requirement Integration with complementary technologies and application domains Prototype study of web technologies to access HDF data On this slide you see the five goals for the the current project. In this first presentation I will mostly talk about the activities we perform in support of the first three goals: Support for NASA HDF data providers and data users, maintenance and quality assurance for the HDF products and how we evolve the products to meet NASA EOS requirements. Kent will talk about the work we do to achieve two other goals. We have two major objectives today: first, to report on our work for the period of time since the last briefing and to get new requirements from NASA and new priorities for the next year. I will make a pause in a particular places in this talk and ask for your feedback, but please feel free to ask questions and give suggestions as we go. For support activities: - Provide timely and good workmanship help to NASA corresponding stakeholders Improve usability and accessibility of NASA HDF4, HDF-EOS2, HDF5 and HDF-EOS5 data Maintenance and QA Feature changes and quality assurance to address NASA EOSDIS requirements. Evolution: Ditto Integration: Strive to make NASA HDF4,HDF-EOS2, HDF5 and HDF-EOS5 interoperable with netCDF and OPeNDAP. Prototype study Investigate other web technologies that can benefit the access of NASA HDF data. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Support activities for NASA HDF data providers and users and ECS 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Activities Help Desk Outreach EOS support Mailing lists, Web site Conferences, Workshops, Other EOS support netCDF support and collaboration Later today: HDF OPeNDAP support Support for NASA data products SMAP, ICESat-2, MEaSURES) We use different avenues to reach and work with out customers: we provide helpdesk, support mailing lists and Web site. We go to the conferences and Workshops to meet with out users. We also pay a special attention to the projects like HDF-EOS and netCDF-4. Later today Kent will talk about our support for OPeNDAP and about the work we do with SMAP, ICESAT and Measures teams. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Help desk 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
The HDF Group Help Desk High-priority support for ESDIS users Fast response Problem investigation and resolution Performance tuning Access to HDF developers Basic support for entire HDF user community, as resources permit help@hdfgroup.org Available to all: Problems compiling and executing an application Accessing information from the HDF web pages Adding user's application information to the tools web page Building the software Documentation concerns Downloading software Java HDF questions Really ANY problems/concerns regarding HDF, HDF5, the Java Products, and anything else related to HDF. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Help Desk issues resolution time For the helpdesk we track resolution time , # of issues for different products, type of issues. We also try to keep track of our users and projects they are working on. This slide shows the issues resolution time for the last two years and for 2012 including August. As you can see we more than 40% of all issues in less than 4 hours, and most of the issues are resolved in two weeks. I should also mention here that we have been working on improving our helpdesk ticketing system to make it less dependent on one person (Barbara). Currently we are using JIRA (an issue tracking system from Atlassian). With this new tool it is much easier to pass an issue to developers if necessary and keep exchange log and a history. The tool is open source and cab be extended if necessary. * Number of messages up do August 31, 2012 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Help Desk issues by years This slide shows the number of the HDF5 and HDF4 questions received during the years. It is constantly declining for HDF4 and had two spikes for HDF5 at the time of the major releases 1.6 and 1.8.0 In 2011 we had 285 issues EOS – 35 JPSS -18 In 2012 up to 10/14/12 505 issues EOS - 66 JPSS 34 What will be parameters that NASA/ESDIS would like us to track? * Number of messages up do August 31, 2012 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
outreach 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Web pages improvements Outreach Web pages improvements FAQ support for HDF4 and HDF5 http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5-FAQ.html http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF-FAQ.html Later today: Detailed talk on support for EOS (Kent) Organizing material based on the ESDIS survey results and feedback from the users Example: Tools by category (work in progress) How do I edit, copy, import/export data with HDF? We work on improving the content of our Web pages. We support FAQ for both HDF4 and HDF5. Later today Kent will talk about HDF-EOS support work. In April we received results from the ESDIS users survey. One of the funding was that ESDIS users had hard time finding the right tools. Even all information about HDF tools is available on our Webpages, users couldn’t easily find tools, to manipulate data stored in HDF, for example, how to edit, copy, export/import data. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Tools by category This is work in progress. We now provide pages for HDF tools where one can find tools under different categories with the links to usage and Tutorials or more materials when available . Our next step will be to add missing Tutorials for tools that show how to perform most common tasks, for example, how to get binary or ascii data from HDF files, or how to modify an attribute. What kind of topics will be the most useful for the users of EOS products? 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Outreach Mailing list and archives news@hdfgroup.org http://www.hdfgroup.org/news/ hdf-forum@hdfgroup.org http://mail.hdfgroup.org/pipermail/hdf-forum_hdfgroup.org/ Information about events are sent to the news ML, discussion happens on hdf-forum 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Monitored by the members of the HDF group Number of messages: hdf-forum@hdfgroup.org Started in Summer 2007 Monitored by the members of the HDF group Number of messages: Most discussed topics: Parallel HDF5 Advanced HDF5 features (drivers, complex types, performance) .NET and C++ wrappers, HL libraries 2012 to Sep 30 2011 2010 703 1,334 1,721 When we see EOS or NPOESS users on the FORUM we jump in and work with them via helpdesk or directly. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Members of the FORUM help with hdf-forum@hdfgroup.org Members of the FORUM help with Releases testing on a regular basis Maintaining CMake build systems on platforms beyond Windows Answering questions The Help Desk focuses on ESDIS and other paying customers while referring others to the FORUM for topics that require domain knowledge or specific HDF5 usage Reporting defects Securing funding for The HDF Group 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Conferences, Workshops, Other 2011 IDV/THREDDS Workshop, July 2011 Learned how to use IDV and THREDDS 10th NASA ESDSWG Conference, Nov 2011 Poster on HDF and netCDF interoperability 2012 ESIP Summer Meeting, July 2012 Presentations HDF/HDF-EOS Data for Dummies What does Open Source mean for HDF? Poster What’s new at hdfgroup.org? 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Conferences, Workshops, Other 15th HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop, April 2012 Five tutorials, nine presentations and lightning talks, and one special session Materials: http://www.hdfeos.org/workshops/ws15/agenda.php 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Conferences, Workshops, Other Advised ICESat-2, MOPITT and several MEaSURES projects on interoperability with netCDF-4 Participated in the SMAP ISO-19115 work Participated in ESDSWG SPG telecons Joined several ESDSWG mailing lists related to HDF 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
netCDF support and collaboration 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Help Unidata netCDF-4 developers NetCDF-4 support Help Unidata netCDF-4 developers Frequent communications with netCDF-4 developers Provided a fix for ncdump critical to the ESDIS users Test netCDF-4 daily with the HDF5 development code Plan to participate in Unidata Advanced netCDF Workshop on October 26, 2012 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
EOS support 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Submitted several bugs and the corresponding fixes to the HDF-EOS team EOS Support Submitted several bugs and the corresponding fixes to the HDF-EOS team EOS2 and EOS5 are tested daily with HDF4 and HDF5 development code HDF-EOS website Actively maintain the website Improve the quality of the example codes and plots to access NASA HDF and HDF-EOS data via MATLAB, IDL and NCL More information in a separate talk 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Maintenance and quality assurance for HDF4 and HDF5 libraries and utilities 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Activities Manage and resolve issues Perform maintenance releases of HDF software Support OSs and compilers identified by ESDIS Address issues and software evolution requests from ESDIS Perform SQE and SQA activities Put in place missing processes Improve existing processes Build in software quality by performing testing and using the best software development practices We focus in three areas: manage and resolve issues; we perform maintenance releases of the HDF software and support them on OSs and with compilers as requested by ESDIS. We also implement new features requested by ESDIS. Special attention in the past year and half was paid to the Software Quality Engineering and Software Quality Assurance. We have been working on putting in place missing processes, improving existing processes, improving our testing and using the best software practices. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF issues 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Issues and their priorities Must Fix Data corruption Portability Backward and Forward Compatibility Funded Requests Fix after “Must Fix” Power User Requests Tools Library issues Build Infrastructure When resources permit Wrappers HL Libraries Other Need your input on priorities! 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 opened and closed issues Spike is due to the H4mapping project 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF5 opened and closed issues Several factors for 2011 spike: moved to JIRA – more issues were entered, better tracking of all issues including documentation issues 2008 spike – 1.8.0 release 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
SQE and SQA at the HDF group 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Activities CMMI appraisal and process improvement action plan (Dec. 2011) Created SQE position Focus on Implementing CMMI best practices and procedures Enforcing current practices and procedures Focused on improving software testing 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Activities Worked on establishing a culture of code reviews for the HDF libraries and tools Improved releases planning and monitoring for HDF5 Used static analysis tools to identify defects Coverity (used at THG) Klocwork (used at LLNL) Report from LLNL Compared Open Source software packages used at LLNL HDF5 MOAB (Mesh-Oriented datBASE) from Argonne AMP (Advanced Muti-Physics code) from ORNL Visit (parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool) from LLNL LOC Density HDF5 340,993 1.5 MOAB 104,566 1.82 AMP 103,727 1.99 Visit 1,195,082 1.85 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF Maintenance releases 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
General maintenance for 2011-2012 Implemented CMake for all HDF software Worked on closing reported issues Focused on performance enhancements Improved HDF documentation http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Advanced.html Explored the needs for internal documentation Preventive measures: Coverity static analysis; Rational tools; valgrind Have been exploring new testing tools to sustain testing for HDF products (CDash, Bamboo, Cloud) New documentation includes Chunking document Data flow document Identifiers Metadata Things one need to know for better performance 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Maintenance Releases 2011 – 2012 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HDF4 HDF5 1.8.7 1.8.8 HDF-Java 2.8 h4h5 tools 2012 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HDF4 4.2.7 patch1 4.2.8 HDF5 1.8.9 CF 1.8.10 HDF-Java 2.9 h4h5 tools 2.2.1 HDF5 1.8.7 – 1.8.9 Fortran 2003 support, support for Fortran dimension scales HDF4 releases in support of the H4 mapping project Support for Powerpc64 platform (big-endian) Java – addressed all ESDIS requests Based on the latest available HDF4 and HDF5 H4h5tools – updated to 18 APIs, no 18 features were added CF – code freeze 6 weeks for HDF5 4 weeks for other products 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 maintenance releases HDF 4.2.7 released in February 2012 Extra functions to support H4 mapping project Support for Linux PPC64 with IBM XL Fortran Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements HDF 4.2.8 release in August 2012 Support for H4mapping project Information about releases available from http://www.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF/prev-releases/ReleaseFiles/ 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF5 maintenance releases Many improvements in tools ESDIS request to handle “/” in attributes names Fortran 2003 support Fortran wrappers for Dimension Scales APIs Information about releases available from http://www.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/prev-releases/ReleaseFiles/ HDF5 1.8.10 November 15, 2012 Many improvements in h5diff, minor bug fixe 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
H4h5tools maintenance releases 2.2.1 released February, 15th, 2012 Based on HDF 4.2.7 and HDF5 1.8.8 Fixed bugs reported by ESDIS users Upgraded to HDF5 1.8 APIs Updated documents We had 120 downloads in 2011 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Java maintenance releases 2.8 release December 2011 Addressed all issues reported by ESDIS users 2.9 release December 2012 Based on HDF 4.2.8 and HDF5 1.8.10 ESDIS requests: Show groups/attributes in creation order Export data to a binary/ascii file without having to open the object in the TableView Here is the list Adding an option to HDFView to apply bitmask instead of extracting bits Allowing users to choose 0-based or 1-based indices Importing/exporting image palettes Adding an option to allow users to choose the origin of an image Show index for 2D strings in the text viewer Dealing with NaN values in XY plots and images Adding capability to install HDFView in silent mode (no GUI) Adding tests to hdf-java to make sure all objects are serializable, which is required for server/client applications. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
future directions 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
General maintenance for 2013-2014 Document and improve maintenance processes and procedures Focus on documentation for HDF4 and HDF5 Improve quality Establish code review procedures for all HDF products Expand static analysis to all HDF software packages Enhance testing framework Enhance testing framework Daily regression testing Release binaries testing Performance testing Backward/forward compatibility testing 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future Maintenance Releases 2013 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HDF4 CF 4.2.9 HDF5 1.8.11 1.8.12 HDF-Java 2.10 h4h5 tools 2.2.2 2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HDF4 CF 4.2.10 HDF5 1.8.13 1.8.14 HDF-Java 2.11 h4h5 tools 2.2.3 CF – code freeze 6 weeks for HDF5 4 weeks for other products 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future HDF4 maintenance releases HDF 4.2.9 planned for February 2013 Close as many issues as possible HDF 4.2.10 planned for February 2014 Complete “self-configuration” work for library maintainability and portability ESDIS priorities? Code clean-up Make it portable as much as possible like HDF5 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future HDF5 maintenance releases HDF5 1.8.11 May 2013 Features sponsored by European Synchrotron Community (PSI/DECTRIS and DESY) Writing compressed chunks directly to HDF5 file bypassing library internals Finished prototype; achieved order of magnitude boost in I/O Support for dynamically loaded third party libraries (compression and other filters) Preliminary studies soon; several prototypes are already available 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future HDF5 maintenance releases How soon will MATLAB and IDL be able to support 1.8.11? ESDIS priorities? 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future h4h5tools maintenance releases 2.2.2 release March 2013 Use latest HDF4 and HDF5 releases Address any ESDIS issues if arise 2.2.3 release March 2014 Possible improvements Conversion of dimension scales Leveraging HDF5 1.8 features ESDIS priorities? We had 120 downloads in 2011 We know that there is a lot of data in HDF4, new data for NPOESS is coming in HDF5? One would think that there will be a need to work with both formats and converting from one to another. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Future Java maintenance releases 2.10 release December 2013 We are gathering requirements (next slides) 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Tools update 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDFView User survey 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Background HDFView was created for browsing and editing HDF files on a local machine The most popular HDF tool August 2012 downloads HDFView – 2,805 HDF5 binaries for all platforms – 1,073 Twelve releases since the first release in 1998 Time to reevaluate its capabilities and find out users’ expectations 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDFView Survey Goals Understand users needs and future directions for of HDFView maintenance and evolution New requirements Current deficiencies Most desired improvements Help with tasks prioritization 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDFView Survey Conducted a survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PLGRLJY Over 40 questions in 8 different areas About 200 responses 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Requested Improvements Areas Import/export capabilities Binary, text, Excel, tree-shape (XML, JSON), GeoTIFF, TIFF, KML (Google Earth), PNG, netCDF Access Cloud, OPeNDAP, mobile devices Data discovery/search Values, metadata, file structure Data presentation Plots, images, data with dimension scales 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Requested Improvements Areas Usability HDF5 functionality Performance with large files Support for all HDF5 datatypes Support for custom filters Data handling Displaying, copying, selecting, exporting, importing GUI features One working window Java vs. new technologies (QT, C++, ?) UNIX remote display Platform-specific requests Mac OS X (installation, shortcuts) Usability: GUI: Most respondents found that it is easy or moderately easy to use HDFView GUI, but several improvements were requested 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDFView Survey Report with raw data is available from http://www.hdfgroup.org/hdf-java-html/hdfview/ 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF tools plan 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Plans for HDFView Plan for and address high-priority items for ESDIS from the survey Quality improvements Clean issues database (37 right now) Finish unit testing work (HDF4 JNI) Set up GUI automatic testing Performance improvements Address large files issues Evolution Add support for dimension scales Add support for misc. HDF5 features 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDFView Survey The ESDIS 2013 priority list as identified by the ESDSWG Executive Council available from http://earthdata.nasa.gov/wiki/main/index.php/The_ESDIS_2013_Priority_List Topics relevant to HDFView ESDIS standards: GeoTIFF and KML Cloud and mobile computing ESDS conventions for HDF5 CF conventions netCDF interoperability What are ESDIS priorities for HDFView? 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Plans for command-line tools Regular maintenance Clean up issues database Focus on quality and performance Focus on tools to close a gap between HDF5 and XML Settle on new XML schema H5gen to generate HDF5 from XML Enhance XML output generated by h5dump Possible open source experiment? Small Apache project to learn to create tools that are developed and maintained primarily by the open source community. ESDIS priorities? 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Open Source Initiative Action Plan Mission Statement Conduct a small Apache project that will enable us to learn to create tools for earth science data users that is developed and maintained primarily by the open source community. Stakeholders Key groups, organizations, individuals that will be impacted Earth science data users. EOS projects, Decadal Survey Missions, other NASA Earth Science data activities All HDF communities Who needs to be involved in developing deliverables. Developers and end users who work with NASA earth science data. Approach Achieve approval from NASA to make this project a part of the ESDIS project (EED Task 2 Rev 8). Identify a need that is likely to have community support. For example, a need for tools to convert HDF files to certain other formats. Learn to create and lead an Apache Incubator Project. Create an Apache Incubator project. Develop tools. Graduate the project from incubation. Outcomes, Deliverables, Milestones Specific outcome: the company learns to create an open source project in which HDF software is developed and used by the community Work products An Apache Incubator project An Apache project supporting the software Tools Recommendation report Milestones Periodic reports on steps in the approach. Incubator project established. Apache project achieved. Final report 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Platform support issues 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 platforms supported Systems Linux 2.6 (CentOS-5) Linux 2.6 x86_64 Linux PowerPC64 Solaris 5.10 32/64bit Windows XP, 7 and Cygwin Mac OS Intel 10.6.* and 10.7.* 32/64-bit Compilers IBM C and Fortran cmp GNU C and Fortran up to 4.6.2, g95 (4.0.3) Intel C and Fortran v12 PGI C and Fortran v11 Sun C 5.10 and Fortran 95 8.4 VS 2008 Intel Fortran 10 VS 2010 Intel Fortran 10 For other flavors of Linux like Open SuSe, Ubuntu, Fedora we have test software but fixing bugs has a very low priority. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF5 platforms supported Systems Same as for HDF4 AIX 5.3 Compilers Same as for HDF4 IBM compilers 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 and HDF5 platforms to drop Systems Mac 10.6.* Windows XP Last releases HDF 4.2.9 and HDF5 1.8.10 Compilers VS2008 with Intel 11 and MSVS build environment We will use “CMake only” for Windows for all HDF products starting in Spring 2013 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 and HDF5 platforms to add Systems Mac 10.8.* How important is 32-bit on 64-bit Mac OS X? Windows 8 Spring 2013 Flavors of Linux? Compilers Clang? VS 2012 Spring 2013 We are using virtualization very successfully. Can add any Linux or Windows flavors. Just let us know! 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Integration with complementary technologies and application domains 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
opendap 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
OPeNDAP – current status HDF5-OPeNDAP handler Re-engineered to support more NASA HDF5 and HDF-EOS5 products HDF4-OPeNDAP handler Enhanced the support of many NASA HDF-EOS2 and HDF4 products More information in a separate talk 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Tools to improve interoperability between HDF and netcdf 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF and netCDF interoperabilty tools HDF-EOS5 augmentation tool HDF-EOS2 dumper tool HDF-EOS5 to netCDF-4 conversion tool HDF4/HDF-EOS2 to CF conversion library More information in a separate talk 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 Layout Maps 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
HDF4 Layouts Map Provide tools and support to ensure long-term access to EOS data via HDF4 File Content Maps. H4mapwriter release 1.0.3 in June 2012 More information in a separate talk 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Thank You! 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA
Acknowledgements This work was supported by Subcontract number 114820 under Raytheon Contract number NNG10HP02C, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raytheon or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 10/16/2012 HDF Briefing to NASA