Please join us on classdojo using your parent code. Maple Class Homework 2nd November 2018 Spellings (Test on Friday) bee, see, free, knee, tree, three, sea, tea, pea, flea Mathletics- This half term, we are looking at addition and subtraction. Please complete the assigned addition and subtraction activity on mathletics. Reading- Please ensure you are reading your reading book at least 3 times a week – more if you can – and have it signed by an adult. English – Please complete the attached sentences with a or an. Notes- Please can you ensure you have a water bottle available in school. PE is on a Monday and Friday. Please join us on classdojo using your parent code.
A or An? I need ____ pencil to write on ____ birthday card I bought for my mum. I ate some fruit today, I had ____ orange, ____ apple and _____ banana. I have ordered ____ taxi. It will be here in ____ hour. We are learning about shapes in school. Today I drew ____ triangle, ____ oval and _____ square. He always tells the truth. He’s ____ honest man. I put on _____ hat because it was windy. I didn’t want to get _____ cold. She was ____ tall lady with _____ round face.