MOD 258A Demand Estimation Sample Point – Shipper Report. Joel Martin 14th January 2010
Background to the Report MODs 258 & 258A highlighted the protections offered to NDM Sample points in UNC H1.6. MOD consultation process highlighted the requirement for a report to allow Shippers to identify their Supply Points within the NDM sample. Transporters agreed as part of post MOD implementation to provide a monthly report to Shippers.
Current Position. MOD 258A implemented on 01/01/10. Transporters instigated a change request with xoserve to provide Shipper report. xoserve have delivered draft report for comment.
The Shipper NDM Sample Report. Will be provided to each Shipper by e-mail from 01/04/10 detailing NDM Demand Estimation Sample Points within their portfolio. The accuracy of the report is dependent on the accuracy of the data in Sites & Meters Dbase. Report should be utilised for purposes of ensuring the continued integrity of the NDM demand sample only. NDM Demand Sample is continually changing and the report only offers a monthly snapshot of data.
Next steps…. Shippers to provide xoserve with e-mail address for the delivery of the monthly report to: Shippers with multiple to Shipper shortcodes to provide a single e-mail address for all reports. Where e-mail address are not received for the report existing billing / SPA account e-mail addresses will be used. Please respond to xoserve by 26/02/10. Transporters & xoserve would welcome any comments / suggestions on the report to: