The script and Scriptwriting How-to
How-to SCRIPT ELEMENTS 1) Transitions 2) Location 3) Description 4) Dialogue 5) Stage Directions
Element #3 - Description gives a VISUAL account of the action taking place in a specific Location. here is where you decide your level of DETAIL to put in a scene or action. Some Description may go on for paragraphs (The Fugitive) is in sentence form justified left is in 1-8 line paragraphs, and not much longer to break up the page and separate actions, thus almost creating shots
Element #3 – Description – ALL CAPS What is in ALL CAPS in description? In the trailer is SIDESTEP JOHNNY. He hunches over the cowering MARY LOU BARTLETT. Mary Lou’s golden blond hair is STREAKED WITH RED. Sidestep Johnny clutches a BROKEN PIECE OF WOOD which has RED ON THE EDGE. Mary Lou SOBS LOUDLY. Johnny is breathing hard. A POLICE SIREN ECHOES in the distance, growing STEADILY LOUDER. Sidestep Johnny seems not to hear. He KNEELS, RUNS HIS HANDS through Mary’s hair.
Element #3 – Description – ALL CAPS The first time a character’s name appears in Description, it is in ALL CAPS. After that, it is written regularly. In the trailer is SIDESTEP JOHNNY. He hunches over the cowering MARY LOU BARTLETT. Mary Lou’s golden blond hair is STREAKED WITH RED. Sidestep Johnny clutches a BROKEN PIECE OF WOOD which has RED ON THE EDGE. Mary Lou SOBS LOUDLY. Johnny is breathing hard. A POLICE SIREN ECHOES in the distance, growing STEADILY LOUDER. Sidestep Johnny seems not to hear. He KNEELS, RUNS HIS HANDS through Mary’s hair.
Element #3 – Description – ALL CAPS SOUND EFFECTS are in ALL CAPS. This is so they can be easily recognized in the script for sound editors. In the trailer is SIDESTEP JOHNNY. He hunches over the cowering MARY LOU BARTLETT. Mary Lou’s golden blond hair is STREAKED WITH RED. Sidestep Johnny clutches a BROKEN PIECE OF WOOD which has RED ON THE EDGE. Mary Lou SOBS LOUDLY. Johnny is breathing hard. A POLICE SIREN ECHOES in the distance, growing STEADILY LOUDER. Sidestep Johnny seems not to hear. He KNEELS, RUNS HIS HANDS through Mary’s hair.
Element #3 – Description – ALL CAPS when Description goes off a page, the word “continued”, in parentheses, NOT in all caps, is put at the end of the page, justified right. In the trailer is SIDESTEP JOHNNY. He hunches over the cowering MARY LOU BARTLETT. Mary Lou’s golden blond hair is STREAKED WITH RED. Sidestep Johnny clutches a BROKEN PIECE OF WOOD which has RED ON THE EDGE. Mary Lou SOBS LOUDLY. Johnny is breathing hard. A POLICE SIREN ECHOES in the distance, growing STEADILY LOUDER. Sidestep Johnny seems not to hear. He KNEELS, RUNS HIS HANDS through Mary’s hair. (continued) He pulls his hand back, GASPS, looks around, finds a PLUSH TEDDY and HUGS IT.