Warm up Are they congruent, if so, tell how. 1. 2. AAS Not congruent 3. Not congruent
2-Column Proofs Going by the facts: definitions, properties, postulates, and theorems Numbering the statements and reasons Using logical order Statements Reasons 1. 2. 3. . 1. 2. 3. .
Given: seg WX seg. XY, seg VX seg ZX, Prove: Δ VXW Δ ZXY 1 2 Y V
Proof Statements Reasons 1. seg WX seg. XY 1. given seg. VX seg ZX 2. 1 2 2. 3. Δ VXW Δ ZXY 3.
Given: seg RS seg RQ and seg ST seg QT Prove: Δ QRT Δ SRT.
Proof Statements Reasons Seg RS seg RQ 1. Given seg ST seg QT 2. Seg RT seg RT 2. 3. Δ QRT Δ SRT 3.
Example Given that B C, D F, M is the midpoint of seg DF Prove Δ BDM Δ CFM B C ) ) (( )) D M F