Daily PPT 3/27 & 3/28 Mrs bly eng 4
Homework due today 1. You should have a complete rough draft IF you do not, THAT is what you need to work on in class IF you DO have it completed, you will be completing an editing checklist worksheet (this is an advantage since you have completed your homework) THE FINAL RESEARCH PAPER IS DUE ON FRIDAY BEFORE SPRING BREAK BY MIDNIGHT ON TURNITIN.COM (March 30th) After Spring Break, it is LATE….-10% (so that’s minus an entire letter grade since it’s 100pts; the highest grade possible would be ‘B’) -TURN IT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE BY FRIDAY EVEN IF IT’S NOT PERFECT. USE YOUR CLASS TIME WISELY!
Overview of class today 1. Lesson on MLA format 2. Editing Checklist worksheet 3. Finish Works Cited page 4. Work on final version of your paper 5. EC Successful Person PPT (ONLY if you have submitted your paper!)
Read mrs. Bly’s comments on turnitin.com this is for a classwork grade
MLA Format https://www.slideshare.net/kexley/mla-format-ppt IMPT SLIDES: SLIDE 2 SLIDE 17 SLIDES 6-7 SLIDE 25 SLIDES 8-9 SLIDES 26-27 SLIDE 11 SLIDE 28 SLIDE 13 SLIDE 29 SLIDE 14 SLIDES 30-37
IN-TEXT CITATIONS LONG TITLES https://writingcommons.org/open-text/collaboration/167-common-comments/in-text- citations-/625-abbreviate-the-title-of-this-source-in-the-citation SEE WEBSITE FOR EXAMPLE
Page numbers are needed
Editing Checklist Pick up an editing checklist at the front of the room when you are ready to edit your paper. Remember I am here to HELP YOU, so ask for help!
Works cited See example poster in the back of the room. Do NOT number. Use Citation Machine to generate your source citations: http://www.citationmachine.net/mla/cite-a-book See example poster in the back of the room. Do NOT number. Put in alphabetical order. Double space Indent Use MLA format (google Owl Purdue MLA Works Cited)
Extra credit Successful person ppt AFTER you have finished your paper, you may earn extra- credit by returning to your original power point and adding the information from your research paper. THIS is the power point you will present in your small group. DIRECTIONS worksheet is at the front of the room and posted on-line. You MUST follow the directions EXACTLY to earn full credit.
Homework 1. Finish your paper. 5-7 pages of writing + Works Cited Works Cited is NOT included in the 5-7 pages. 2. Submit to Turnitin.com when completed FINAL DEADLINE= THIS FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT