If they get 3 right answers, they’ll be winners.! Wow, it’s Final Round~~ Who’ll be a winner team? Let’s Watch them. If they get 3 right answers, they’ll be winners.!
Who am I ? I’m an American culture critic. My latest work ‘Power Shift’ was about the move from the industrial age to the information age. I also wrote ‘Future Shock’ and ‘The Third Wave’ among others. I especially received a big applaud for my presentation of a new world in ‘ The Third Wave’. Answer : Alvin Toffler
What’s this? This is too slow for those who wait; too swift for those who fear; too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice. This cures all. This heals old wounds. This and tide wait(s) for no man. 세월은 사람을 기다려주지 않는다. Answer : time
이것이 없거나 모자랄 때 쓰는 표현입니다. ‘I'는 누구일까요? 1. I'm over in my head. 2. I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul. 3. I'm flatter than a pancake. 4. I'm writing rubber checks. 5. I'm up to my ears in debt. 6. I'm broke. 7. I'm busted. 8. I'm bankrupt. 9. I don't have a penny. 10. My pockets are empty. Answer : money
What color is this? If you mix red and blue, you get purple. If you want to make orange, mix and red and yellow. Then if you mix blue and yellow, what do you get? Answer : green
What’s this? 1. This is a custom that started in a barbershop in England. 2. There is no set fee. You just put as much as you want in a jar that said ‘this’ 3. In the west there are people in some occupations that depend mostly on this. 4. Travelers should remember to give this. 5. The word comes from the letter of these three words ‘To insure promptness’. Answer : T I P
Where is this place ?Answer in 3-word English 1. You can go there by bus. 2. It is located on Heungdeok-gu Cheongju-si. 3. This museum is exhibiting ancient books which were printed in the Silla, Koryo and Chosun Dynasty. 4. Jikjisimche-yojeol was authorized as the oldest metal printed book in the world by UNESCO in 1972. 5. This Printing Museum is reappearing the method of making printing type. 6. 古 means ‘early’ in English. Answer : Early Printing Museum
Early Printing Museum
Answer : zipper What am I ? 1. I am made of iron or plastic. 2. I run on a track. 3. I can only travel up and down. 4. You let me work when you put your dress on or take it off. 5. I do a better job than the buttons on your clothes. Answer : zipper
What is this? The movie 'The Godfather' was a story about these people's world. This originally meant 'beautiful' or 'proud'. It is a large group of criminals who control many illegal activities especially in Italy and the US. It’s a powerful group of people within an organization or profession who support and protect each other. What is this? Answer : Mafia
What organization ? 1) It's an international organization created in 1970. 2) It's headquarters is in Amsterdam, Netherlands 3) and there are branches in America, Canada and Australia. 4) It was first made to oppose France's nuclear testing in the South Pacific. 5) It's also know as an organization that protects whales Answer : Green Peace
What sport ? Answer : squash 1) This is an indoor sport that was first intro duced in England. 2) It's similar to racketball but you can't use the ceiling. 3) It's played in a similar way as racketball, too. 4) The difference is that like badminton you serve the ball without letting it bounce. 5) It uses a court surrounded by four walls and is played by two people who take turns hitting the ball. Answer : squash
What is this bird? Answer : swallow Only one this bird does not make summer. Most of us are very familiar with this bird. It is well known for being very fast. It can fly horizontally at an average speed of 130 km per hour and at 170 km per hour in a moment. It's a migratory bird that comes in the spring and then flies south for the winter to be in a warmer climate. This bird brought treasure to Heung-boo. Answer : swallow
Who am I ? Today my name is used to describe someone who is strong. I was a judge of Israel in the Old Testament that was famous for having incredible strength. I didn’t cut my hair and I had a wife named Delila. Who am I ? Answer : Samson
What’s this? It would be difficult to imagine life without this. This has made it possible to talk over great distances. This has made the world smaller and smaller. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Answer : Telephone
What’s this? Answer : Alphabet About 3,500 years ago, the root of this was first made by the Semites. They invented 22 sound symbols. Before long, the Phoenicians also began to use the same symbols. They lived near the Semites. They were sea merchants who sailed to many parts of the world. As a result, they spread this writing system to people of other nations. Answer : Alphabet