by working efficiently by working collaboratively older adults Draft Mission #3 What do you do ? advocate for and improve the lives So What ? enhance the services they receive How do you do it ? Who benefits ? by working efficiently by working collaboratively older adults persons with disabilities and their families
Force Field Analysis Forces That Increase Success Forces That Increase Failure North County Collaborative Success Less Success More Success
Force- Field Analysis Competition For Funds 28 Uses Existing Resources 22 North County Collaborative Success 27 Members’ Time Constraints 25 Shared Goals 29 Inconsistent Membership 21 Collabs Efforts 23 Covers All Of No. County Lack of Accountability 18 10 Strong Advocacy 12 Lack of Mgmt. Structure 9 No Agent To Manage $ 19 Range of Partners 13 Decision Makers May Not See Need 14 Potential Cost Savings 9 Lack of Credibility 6 Technology To Communicate 4 Shared Needs and Clients 7 Geographic Distance
2009 Critical Success Indicators As we strive to achieve success, Mission As we strive to achieve success, we need to know what are the elements, or pieces that make up NCC success. These are indicators of success. They are objective, can be observed, measured and verified. They are the most critical few. Success Model
Critical Success Indicators 1. Jointly Administered Satisfaction Survey (Clients* of member agencies needs are met by services, such as transportation) Now 06 07 08 09 50% 65% 75% 80% 93% * Clients = older adults, adults with disabilities, families 2. Number of clients attending meetings (or giving input through an advisory committee) 0 10 25 40 50 3. Requests for speakers 0 5 10 20 25 4. Media Publications/Articles about Collab 0 2 5 6 12 5. Amount of funding received (as a percent of goal) 0 40% 60% 75% 90%