Stress, Folding and Faulting 2/27/2019
Rock Reaction When Stressed “Stress and Strain” Warm Rocks are Pliable (Ductile Deformation) so they tend to bend and fold. Cool Rocks are Brittle so they tend to fracture (no relative movement) and fault (movement from existing rock).
Compression = Heat = Rocks Tend to Fold
Folded Rocks syncline anticline Where are the oldest rocks exposed at the surface? anticline
Folded Rocks monocline rock has a gently dipping bend in the horizontal rock layer. monocline
Strike-Slip Fault
Strike-slip (Transform) Fault
Strike-Slip Fault
Strike Slip Fault
Normal Fault
Normal Fault
2 4 6
Reverse Fault
Graben Fault (Rift Valley) Formed from two normal faults.
Graben Fault
Formed from two reverse faults. Horst Fault Formed from two reverse faults.