Daily Science 9/17/12 less dense: float:: more dense:: _____ sink Turn your planner to today’s date. Copy and solve the following analogies: less dense: float:: more dense:: _____ volume: space:: mass:_________ Write the conclusion for the Buoyancy Lab if you haven’t done it yet. sink matter
Daily Science 9/18/12 Turn your planner to today’s date. Have your HW ready for me to check. Put today’s date on your DS page. Write “See page 16” next to the date. Turn to the “Form a Hypothesis” Sheet on page 16 of your notebook. Answer questions #3-#6
Daily Science 9/19/2012 Turn your planner to today’s date. Have your HW ready for me to check. Take the question from the middle of your desk and paste it in the Daily Section of your Science Notebook. Read and answer the question.
Daily Science 9/20/12 Turn your planner to today’s date. Take your HW and one sheet of paper out of your binder. Put today’s date on your DS page. Write “none due to review” next to the date. Update your Table of Contents and then put your binder in your desk. Head the sheet of paper and number it from 1-20. (assignment: Test Review)
Open your planner to today. Daily Science 9/21/12 Open your planner to today. Take your study guide out & place it on your desk. In your planner write down: Notebook due on Monday. Turn to your goal page & write 1-3 sentences evaluating how you have been doing Look over your notes.
Science Test Guidelines
Read all directions and questions carefully Read all directions and questions carefully. (Some of them may look familiar, but they aren’t exactly the same!) TAKE YOUR TIME. There are no extra points for finishing first. When you are done…GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR WORK!
Test Strategy: Do the ones you know first Test Strategy: Do the ones you know first. Go back later and answer the ones you need to think about. Completed Papers-teacher’s bucket. You can’t take them out once you turn them in. Be sure you’re pleased! When you are finished, read AR. If your entire table is done, you may work on organizing your notebook. Notebook is due Monday. GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR WORK!