William H. Bowen School of Law
service – learning program of two schools UALR Bowen School of Law University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service only masters degree program in public service concurrent J.D./M.P.S. degree program partnership of public and private entities Projects undertaken by students from both schools Funded by Ben J. Altheimer Charitable Foundation Collaborative efforts with non-profit organizations or community agencies program focuses on public service generally rather than specifically on pro bono legal services
1.Creation and Formation 2.Implementation 3.Benefits to the Community and to Students 4.Challenges for the Future
recognize the two schools common goal of public service stimulate the commitment to public service among the schools students contribute to the immediate needs of the community and the State
Memorandum of Understanding written charter for the program establishes operating structure for the program defines program objectives and responsibilities institutionalizes the program beyond the original good idea
Coordinating Committee 2 law school students 2 Clinton School students 1 faculty member from each school
Recommend Annually to Deans of the Two Schools: 1.joint service-learning project(s) 2.plan to implement the project(s) 3.keynote speaker(s) 4.budget
local non-profit working to revitalize economically depressed part of downtown Little Rock, Arkansas pilot program of Main Street Arkansas; follows the four principles of Main Street Model developed by the National Trust Main Street Center 1.design 2.organization 3.promotion 4.economic restructuring in our own backyard: investment in the neighborhood surrounding the two schools generates interaction between the students and the residents of the community where the schools are located
1.survey of area residents and business owners for market analysis 2.case study to help Southside Main develop a long- term strategic plan
Southside Main needs targeted business recruitment package to use in encouraging new businesses to locate in the area students refined model survey in conjunction with UALR Statistics Department students canvass the neighborhood survey collects market data about current shopping and spending habits, new businesses and services desired in the area, income levels, etc. goal is to obtain enough completed surveys to attain statistical reliability survey responses will be compiled and analyzed by Statistics Department survey responses will be used to identify business and real estate development opportunities that Southside Main can include in a business recruitment package
Three Topics: 1.Collecting information on existing neighborhood associations and facilitating better working relationships among those groups 2.Researching zoning regulations and developing user- friendly guide for potential property and business owners MacArthur Park Historic District Capital Zoning District 3.Researching current structure and role of the Business Improvement District that exists in the area
projects provide some type of tangible service market analysis recommending ways that non-profits can work together better interaction between area residents and local institutions of higher education public events keynote speaker who addresses issues related to the project public program for stakeholders in the project at which students present research results, policy proposals, or recommendations research into pressing community issues lasting record of the work at conclusion of project, Coordinating Committee must draft report chronicling the history and results of the project reports will be electronically archived in the Clinton Schools Research Center and will be available to the public for later use
experiencing and learning the value of service in a real-world setting leadership opportunities in a service context students have primary responsibility for selecting service projects students co-lead each project opportunity to work with and learn from community leaders, leaders of non-profits, and various other professionals engaged in public service breaks down class barriers that sometimes exist between lawyers and rest of community; puts students in contact with people in a real way at street level learning to practice in context and think more broadly about a problem, rather than focusing on just the narrow, immediate issue at hand
expanding the range of potential projects opportunity for law students to work with non-lawyer professional students to see and experience how important law is to social change expanding focus of law students beyond the technical skills of the craft and helping them see how public service is part of their professional role learning to collaborate and work in groups with non-lawyer professionals opportunity for law students to see the variety of ways that transactional lawyers can contribute to pro bono and public service efforts
student participation awarding academic credit? incorporating program into the curriculum? project selection finding common ground: projects that enrich both the legal education of Bowen students and the public-service education of Clinton School students long-term project v. new project each year continued funding original grant is for 3 years