Work Features Work features are tools that help create and position features by providing points, lines, and planes when current geometry is not sufficient.
Work Point A work point is a parametric construction point that can be placed anywhere on part geometry or in 3D space. It can be constrained to existing geometry.
Work Axis A work axis is a construction line of infinite length that is parametrically attached to a part.
Work Axis Work axis created through a cylindrical feature.
Work axis through two points Second Point First Point Work axis through two points
Work axis along two intersecting planes
Work axis through a point perpendicular to a plane The Point The Plane Work axis through a point perpendicular to a plane
Work Planes A work plane is an infinite construction plane that is parametrically attached to a part.
Work Planes A work plane is defined by using existing geometry or reference planes.
Work Planes Line 1 Line 2 Work plane created by selecting two lines
Work Planes Work plane created using three points Point 2 Point 3
Work plane created at an angle to an existing plane through an edge. Work Planes The Angle The Edge Work plane created at an angle to an existing plane through an edge. The Plane
Work plane created by using an offset from an existing surface. Work Planes Work plane created by using an offset from an existing surface.
Work Planes Tangent Point Reference Plane Work plane created tangent to a cylinder and parallel to a reference plane.