Presented at the Small College Enrollment Conference 2013 Kathy Baugher, Associate Provost and Dean of Enrollment Management Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville, TN
In a strong culture with consistent values for everyone, people are motivated to operate in a way that supports the status quo and it applies to everyone, no matter what the position. By approaching service in this way, people develop a stronger investment in the organization because they personally experience great service and know how it feels.
In a service culture there is clarity about the core values of the organization, its mission, and the expectations. People are taught what service looks like from their first day of work. Its one thing to say we provide great service. Its another to define behaviorally for employees what that looks like.
A service culture has to begin at the very top, because thats where people look when things begin to fall apart. Leaders must be strongly committed and willing to actively and publicly live this commitment.
A strong service culture has to include providing feedback – both positive and critical – as a way of supporting and creating success. This means encouraging people to be creative about ways to strengthen and improve the culture. Constant evaluation keeps things fresh.
Invite feedback through surveys and suggestion boxes. Form focus groups that consist of a cross-section of members. Make follow-up calls to find out about peoples experiences. Be responsive to complaints and suggestions – the more personal the better Remain curious at all times. Listen closely to what people are saying and also what they arent saying. Track the number of services people are and are NOT using.
1. Involve employees in conversations about what service expectations should look like. Be sure to include internal and external expectations so everyone gets to participate.
The Student s Basic Needs To be understood To be feel important To be respected To feel welcome To feel appreciated To feel comfortable
2. Decide together what values are important in the way people work together, support each other, and work through hard conversations.
3. Provide training around topics like these: Dealing with difficult members Sharpening communications skills Thinking creatively so you can turn a potential no into a yes Time management skills to prioritize your work so it is in sync with a service culture
4. Give employees feedback on service delivery. Provide coaching on areas that need improvement. Use positive strokes to keep employees feeling good about delivering service.
5. Develop recognition/reward programs that really challenge people. Recognize people who raise the bar to encourage others to follow suit. Recognize both internal and external service.
6.Keep talking about service. Especially if turnover is high, its crucial to keep the conversation alive. Dont assume people will just naturally pick up on your service culture. Articulate your service expectations from the beginning. Encourage people to share what they are learning about service, so that you can keep your approach fresh and stimulating.
7. Be open to change. What worked last year might be old hat now, so what can you do differently that will delight your customers?
8. Management must make the measurement of service quality and feedback from the customer a basic part of everyone's work experience. This information must be available and understood by everyone, no matter what their level. The entire organization must become obsessed with what the customer wants.
9. Create ways to communicate excellent examples of customer service both within and outside the company. Institute celebrations, recognition ceremonies, logos, and symbols of the customer service culture and its values.
10. Encourage a sense of responsibility for group performance. Help employees see how their performance affects others. Emphasize the importance of "internal customer service."
Develop your organizational definition of service Define the groups that need to be engaged in the definition and their teachable point of view and commitment Describe the current and desired future culture
Who is the customer and what do they value What behaviors do you expect to see evidenced if a culture of service is present Does the customer value these behaviors
Develop metrics to measure these behaviors What business processes or systems need to change or realign to create a culture of service Develop a plan of action to change or realign business processes
What governance or board practices need to change to sustain a culture of service How do performance reviews need to change to align with a culture of service What are the next steps and how do we create a culture that continuously improves
Kathy Baugher Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville TN