Do Now Think about what a road trip is? Have you been on one? What was it like? If you haven’t, what would it be like? Would it be comfortable?
Ms. Baquedano Pg.11 left side The Middle Passage Ms. Baquedano Pg.11 left side
Vocab The Middle Passage: name for the journey slaves underwent from West Africa to The West Indies Chattel Slavery: a form of slavery where people are treated as property and those enslaved’s children are also considered enslaved.
Transporting Slaves Journey was 1-6 months long on a ship Slaves were chained together, kept below deck, and only allowed above for occasional exercise 10 million slaves died 10-15 percent of the total slave population Died of scurvy, malnutrition, dysentary, or typhoid
Diagram of Slaver Ship
Why? Remember: slaves are not seen as people, but property or, investments The more of your investment you fit on a ship, the more profit you make
Video Answer this question: Between the picture and the videos, which one depicts it worse, and what are your reactions to both?
Slave Auction EVTQ Questions: What are the different prices for slaves? (3) What other purpose are slaves bought for, besides working? What factor determines what kind of work a slave will do? Is it legal to separate families? How do slavers follow this rule?