Presidential Scholarship Governors Scholarship Multicultural Leadership Scholarship Tracking Your Service Hours
During our time together Explain the aspects of your scholarship criteria Define some key terms with tracking service hours Demonstrate how to track your service hours Provide you ways to get involved on campus Answer any questions you may have about this process
General Guidelines: Approved Agencies & Reporting Service must be completed through an approved agency and verified through the agency official How to know your agency is approved? Check with if you are in Reporting is done through online system & must be verified with paper
General Guidelines: On Campus & Off Campus On Campus Service: Service that is conducted to benefit those located on campus or benefiting the greater campus community 60 hours (50%) may be completed on campus Examples: Bear CLAW, Peer Leader Off Campus Service: Service that is conducted to benefit an off campus community Service may be LOCATED on campus, but still benefiting an off campus agency (Blanket making for a shelter) Up to 100% of your service may be Off Campus
General Guidelines: Service-Learning Courses Component Service-Learning courses Will receive a Block of 16 service hours Integrated Service-Learning courses do not count for service Study Away counts for a block of hours as well, but needs to be negotiated with the individual instructor Contact CASL (Citizenship & Service-Learning) with any further questions
General Guidelines: Other Exceptions Service as an officer or member of a student organization is not applicable to this requirement Direct participation in a service-oriented activity or event sponsored by the organization is applicable. Philanthropy vs. Service Participating in a walk or other fundraising effort is not service, however helping with the event does constitute service Faith-based organization or institutions Service through mission trips or service for a humanitarian focus counts Conducting worship service, teaching classes, or caring for students during services do not count Voluntary activities but not service Political campaigning, fundraising, assisting with family & neighbors Any Service in which you receive compensation does not count
Tracking your Service Hours Service is tracked using a 2 part process Part I – Hours Tracking Your hours are to be tracked using our online system. You can submit the form for EACH agency you work with. If you volunteer at 8 agencies, you will need to submit the form 8 times This information is detailed and asks for specific questions Part II – Hours Verification You will need to get a half-sheet form completed and turned into the Office of Student Engagement with proper signatures
How to Track your Hours Click Track your Service Hours All Service hours are completed using CampusLINK
Verifying your Hours In addition to tracking your individual hours you will need to get verification for your house The Service Hours Verification sheet contains the basic information for your service hours As many agencies/service days as you want can be completed on each form This MUST be turned in within 30 days of completing your service
Where to Find Service Opportunities Visit our website! United Way of the Ozarks (211) Local religious & faith based organizations Simply Google an agency Volunteer newsletter ( On Campus Departments
Citizenship & Service-Learning (CASL) Plaster Student Union # Carly Pape, ECE 303 student
Volunteer Programs A recent group helping in Joplin Office of Student Engagement Plaster Student Union #