ACE Disbursement Country Disbursement Rate as of April 2018 Planned disbursement (based on expected results) by June 30 Gambia 93% 95% Nigeria 57% 65% Senegal 47% 52% Burkina Faso 75% 80% Benin 35% 45% Cameroon 31% 40% Ghana 72% Togo 50% Cote d'Ivoire 26% AAU 91% project wise 54% 60%
ACE Implementation Progress
AVERAGE 95% 39% 51% TOTAL MAX DLR 103100000 9,890,000 5,215,000 ACE SDR EARNED PER DLR TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED / TOTAL AMOUNT ALLOCATED 1 Institutional Readiness 2.1 Short-term Students 2.2 Master Students 2.3 PhD tudents 2.4 Internship 2.5 Accreditation 2.6 Research Publications 2.7 External Revenue 2.8 Teaching & Learning Environment 3.1 - 3.4 Fiduciary Management 4 Procurement 2iE 5,200,000 100% 82% 323% 32% 47% 50% 38% 13% 84% ACEGID 5,100,000 60% 18% 80% 11% 25% 41% ACENTDFB 2,600,000 81% 5% 0% 52% ACEPRD 31% 68% 115% 28% 85% 57% CEADESE 40% 66% 42% CEA-MITIC 3% 166% 17% 61% CEFTER 4,500,000 43% 26% CERHI 131% 87% 10% CERSA 44% 77% 49% 88% 46% 9% 45% CETIC 2% 86% 36% 34% DRYLAND AGRIC 23% 119% 19% 93% KNUST 24% 58% 109% 15% OAU-OAK PARK 101% 14% 21% 56% PAMI 76% WACCBIP 141% 98% 75% 73% WACCI 140% 89% 53% CEA-SAMEF 8% 146% 1% CEA-SMA 5,300,000 4% 133% 134% CEFOR 2,900,000 65% 183% 33% 69% 90% CCBAD 35% 283% 20% 6% CEA-MEM 126% ENSEA 2,700,000 172% 70% 27% AVERAGE 95% 39% 51% TOTAL MAX DLR 103100000 9,890,000 5,215,000 10,470,000 15,675,000 20,730,000 4,875,000 103,100,000
Project Development Objective Indicators ACE I is on Track to Achieve ALL 5 Project Development Objective (PDO) Indicators ACE PDO INDICATORS PAD Baseline PAD target Year 3 Cumulative Results 2017 Status Project Development Objective Indicators No. of national and regional students (Msc, Phd and short term) 1,580 9,500 15,657 Achieved No. of Regional students (Msc, Phd and short term) 987 5,300 4,987 On track No. of internationally accredited education programs 3 10 12 No. of Students and faculty with at least 1 month internship in a company or a local institution relevant to their field 1,037 4,300 3,448 Amount of externally generated revenue 976877 5,000,000 29,000,000 35 new Master and Phd programs-e.g Master’s in Seed Technology at WACCI-Ghana 1600 PhD students 6,800 Msc students