WHAKATAUAKI “Te Amorangi ki mua, Ko te Haapai oo ki muri “Amorangi” refers to our Kaumātua and holding them in the highest esteem. “Te Haapai oo” refers to Service Providers who are supporting our esteemed elders from behind. The National Collective (Hei Manaaki Ngā Kaumātua Trust) strengthens from alongside.
BACKGROUND The National Collective of Kaumātua Service Providers “Hei Manaaki Ngā Kaumātua Charitable Trust” has been established as a result of the mandate given at the 2009 Conference for Kaumātua Service Providers held in Nelson. Rauawaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust was mandated to lead the development of a National Collective
Interim Board Whaea Kahuwaero Katene Whaea Lucy Bush Whaea Lovey Hodgkinson Rawiri Doorbar Rangimahora Reddy Jaylene Barwick Harold Wereta Yvonne Wilson
OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUST To support service providers to enhance service delivery for Kuia and Koroua in New Zealand To support service providers to meet on a regular basis within their regions To facilitate the exchange of information among service providers on best practice for service delivery to Kuia and Koroua To provide leadership around policies that may impact on service delivery to Kuia and Koroua To promote and advance the education of service providers
OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUST To promote and advance programmes and services that aim to relieve poverty To support tikanga Māori in the delivery of services To tautoko Kuia and Koroua in their improvement of health, wellbeing and wairuatanga To advocate for equitable health and social services funding To perform any other charitable purposes within New Zealand.
REGIONS Northland Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty Gisborne-Hawkes Bay Taranaki Manawatu-Whanganui Wellington South Island
Regional hui Election processes and timeframes Trustees shall be appointed by registered members in each Rohe in accordance with their own processes and tikanga Term of office Each Trustee will serve for a term of three years.
Regional NOMINATION Within 4 months before the date of the triennial AGM (where Trustees are ratified) One member organisation in each Rohe is to be the convener of a hui for the purpose of appointing a regional Trustee to the Trust Before the 6th July 2013
Regional NOMINATION Written notice of the hui and a call for Trustee nominations Must be given at least 30 days before the date of the hui to the Trust office Before the 6th June 2013
Regional NOMINATION Closing date for Trustee nominations is to be 10 days before the date of the hui Nominations are to be in writing and include a profile of the candidate Following the hui, and at least 21 days before the AGM, (Before the 16th October) the hui convenor in each Rohe should send the nominations package to the Trust office.
Regional NOMINATION The Nominations Package consists of the following documents: Copy of successful Candidate profile and letter of endorsements from two member organisations; Attendance register for the hui; Copy of resolution appointing the Trustee for that Rohe; Copy of minutes of the hui, signed by at least 5 attendees; Declaration by successful Candidate of eligibility to be a Trustee.
Conference 2013 National Conference 6-8th November 2013 in Palmerston North Conference Theme: “Te Amorangi ki mua, Ko te Haapai oo ki muri” Opportunity for provider input into Conference Programme.
NaTIONAL DATABASE AIM: Support the wonderful work being undertaken nationally by providers Be utilised as an information resource for providers to access online via the website. Facilitate feedback from providers on the work of the Hei Manaaki Ngā Kaumātua Charitable Trust (the National Body) through the sharing of information.
CONTACT Yvonne Wilson (Co-ordinating CEO) Phone: 021 301 444 Email: info@heimanaaki.org.nz Website: www.heimanaaki.org.nz