e-Poster 159 VEPTR Implantation to Treat Children with Early Onset Scoliosis without Rib Abnormalities: A Prospective Multicenter Study Ron El-Hawary, Muayad Kadhim, Michael Vitale, John Smith, Amer Samdani, Jack Flynn, Children's Spine Study Group Level of Evidence: II Please refer to ICEOS program for authors’ disclosures.
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Study design: Prospective, Non-randomized, Multicenter clinical study. Inclusion criteria: Progressive early onset scoliosis (EOS) in children without rib abnormality (18 months to 10 years of age with open triradiate cartilages). Scoliosis that has advanced beyond 45˚ Study hypothesis: VEPTR is effective to prevent further progression of EOS and allows for, or at least, does not prevent spinal growth.
Results n= 63 patients: Males: 35 (56%) Females: 28 (44%) Mean age at surgery = 6.1 ± 2.4 years. Mean Follow up = 2.2 ± 0.4 years. Etiology: Congenital: 6, (10%) Neuromuscular: 36, (57%) Syndromic: 4, (6%) Idiopathic: 17, (27%) Scoliosis severity: 20-50 = 7 (11%) 50-90 = 52 (83%) >90 = 4 (6%) Kyphosis severity <20 = 4 (6%) 20 – 50 = 29 (48%) >50 = 28 (46%)
Results Prevent EOS progression: 86% T1-T12 Height Progressive EOS without rib abnormalities + VEPTR device Successful treatment Prevent EOS progression: 86% Allow T1-S1 growth: 94% Prevent EOS and allow spine growth: 79% Successfully allows spine growth T1-T12 Height (144% of expected age-matched T1-T12 growth) T1-S1 Height (193% of expected age-matched T1-S1 growth)
Conclusion VEPTR was effective in treating EOS without rib abnormalities at 2 years follow-up. 86% of patients had an improvement in EOS and 94% of patients had an increased spinal height as compared to pre-operative values. Coronal spine height increased by 144% of expected age-matched T1-T12 growth and by 193% of expected age-matched T1-S1 growth.