Panama Researched via: Student Name: Bernard Abraham Date: May 28, 2010
Where is Panama located? is the southernmost country of both Central America and, in turn, North America. Situated on the isthmus connecting North and South America, it is bordered by Costa Rica to the northwest, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The capital is Panama City.
Flag, Motto, Anthem: Alcanzamos por fin la victoria En el campo feliz de la unión; Con ardientes fulgores de gloria Se ilumina la nueva nación At last we reached victory In the joyous field of the union; With ardent fires of glory A new nation is alight. Es preciso cubrir con un velo Del pasado el calvario y la cruz; Y que adorne el azul de tu cielo De concordia la espléndida luz. It is necessary to cover with a veil The past times of Calvary and cross; Let now the blue skies be adorned with The splendid light of the concord. El progreso acaricia tus lares. Al compás de sublime canción, Ves rugir a tus pies ambos mares Que dan rumbo a tu noble misión. Progress caresses your path. To the rhythm of a sublime song, You see both your seas roar at your feet Giving you a path to your noble mission. (Chorus) En tu suelo cubierto de flores A los besos del tibio terral, Terminaron guerreros fragores; Sólo reina el amor fraternal. In your soil covered with flowers To the kisses of the warm clouds of dust, Warrior roars have ceased; Only fraternal love reigns. Adelante la pica y la pala, Al trabajo sin más dilación, Y seremos así prez y gala De este mundo feraz de Colón. Ahead the shovel and pick, At work without any more dilation, and we will be as such at work and gala of this fruitful world of Columbus. (Chorus)
Sports: While some of the tourists visit Panama for its natural beauty, some visit it for sports. Panama sports include basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, boxing, golf, cycling, horse racing and many more. Some of the most famous international players hail from this country. If the nail biting episode of Panama football or basketball has exhausted all the energy, a mild stroke of golf can prove to be the best way of relaxation. The Panama soccer, basket ball and baseball teams have competed nationally and internationally and have won numerous titles.
Government and Politics: According to the CIA World Factbook, Panama has an unemployment rate of 5.6%. According to the ECLAC, the poverty rate is 28.6% as of 2006 and is expected to decline to 11% by 2009, in spite of the Global financial crisis of A food surplus was registered in August 2008, and infrastructure works are progressing rapidly. On the Human Development Index Panama is ranked at number 60 (2008). The International Monetary Fund has predicted that Panama will be the fastest growing economy in Latin America in It was the second fastest growing economy in Latin America in 2008, after Peru.
Famous people/role model: Ruben Blades Justine Pasek Daphne Rubin Vega Luis Russell Camilo A. Alleyne
What do you like the most about Panama? Culture People Food Beaches