Rule 21 Working Group 2 IN-PERSON WORKSHOP August 21, 2018 Conference cAll at:
Rule 21 Working Group 2 Update from Brian Korpics
Working Group Schedule Meeting/Deliverable Date Agenda Items Notes 8/21: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 8 Call (2-4pm) Follow up on Issue 8 Action Items (See above table) 8/27: Final Issue 8 Proposal + Draft Issue 9 Proposal Gridworks to WG 8/29: In-person 1. Final Issue 8 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Draft Issue 9 Proposal (Gridworks) 3. Issue 10 (All) This will be final discussion of Issue 8 9/7 WG Comments on Draft Issue 9 Proposal 9/12: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 9/10/11 Call (2-4pm) TBD 9/19: In Person 1. Final Issue 9 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Issue 11 Discussion (All) This will be the final discussion of Issue 9 10/1: Final Issue 9 Proposal + Draft Issue 6/10/11 Proposal 10/3: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 10/11 Call (2-4pm) Draft Issue 10/11 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks) 10/5 WG Comments on Draft Issue 10/11 Proposal 10/8: Final Issue 6/10/11 Proposal 10/10: In person 1. Final Issue 10/11 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Clean Up This will be the final discussion of Issues 10/ 11, and 6 10/31: Final Report Filed Led by Energy Division
Issue 8 8.m: Gap, need all proposals finalized Main Gaps: 8.m: Gap, need all proposals finalized Note: PG&E/SDG&E support SCE proposal Questions or feedback for SCE? Finalize CALSSA/CC/GPI counter proposals? 8.b: Gap = clarity on how IOUs will explain deviations from ICA to interconnecting generator during initial review. Did SCE and PG&E input in comments meet expectations? 8.u: Gap = IOU approach to ICA validation final? “Given the complexity of ICA and that ICA production is new, the IOUs propose to begin validating the ICA methodology and the ICA update process beginning XX, 2018. These activities will continue for YY months until the implementation date for Working Group 2’s ICA proposal as directed by the CPUC. GPI suggests a 1-year period of review, at which point the IOUs will then use ICA results as definitive in reviewing projects. “ 8.i: Gap = Non-IOU counter proposal? CALSSA/Tesla/Stem suggesting alternatives
Issue 8 Lesser Gaps: - Finalize 8n: SCE edits acceptable? - Clarify 8c: Really three proposals? 1) when and how ICA is verified following application (8.b.); 2) flagging POIs likely to require verification; 3) tracking, organizing and analyzing deviations from ICA for continuous improvement (8.c.). Need to create distinction “8.bX”? - 8o: All mixed up - 8q, 8t: brand new input from CalSSA Next Steps Recap of meeting Update on future meetings/milestones: Aug 27: Final Issue 8 Proposal + Draft Issue 9 Proposal August 29: In Person Workshop CPUC Golden Gate Room September 7th: WG Comments on Draft Issue 9 Proposal September 12th: Issue 9/10/11 Call (2-4pm) September 19th: In Person Workshop CPUC Golden Gate Room October 1st: Final Issue 9 Proposal + Draft Issue 6/10/11 Proposal