Social Service Accountability The state of the Industry JABR Software, Inc
Todays Outcomes Appreciate how far weve come Understand how technology tools can help us be accountable Know about the initiatives underway around the country Consider a vision for the future Be challenged to move our industry forward Participants will….
A Brief History … We are really great at raising money to help people
… And… we have a five + year history of moving our industry towards outcome measurement as a system of accountability Were headed in the right direction
… But we have more to do in data collection for accountability
… So, were often anxious when asked What did you do with the money?
And … Current Environment
Agency Structure and Capacity Model of the Relationship of Client to Goal to Funder Priorities Funder Overlap and structure CLIENTS Program Goal Client Outcome Client Outcome Client Outcome Client Outcome Services Community Impact Community Goal Community Impact Community Impact
Client Case Management System Data collection at the Point of Service
PostWeb A Community Tool Use PostWeb to collect agency point of delivery information via the Web, pre-aggregated. PostWeb is designed for data accountability and quality control. Providers Collect and input information. PostWeb is deployed on the Web and secure so service provider, and client information is protected. Funders have the option to allow Volunteers to view and work with the information Internal Business Process is now based on real, accessible information
CMS Informative… More in-depth Transactional Systems (Client Case Management System and other systems) Data Mart Data transformation CMS Informative Data cubes Process Data Aggregations
CMS Informative
A Vision for the Future An infrastructure for Funding entities to record data into a single repository. A national standard for the data collection A plan to provide standardized data tools to funded service providers Partnerships with all levels of government in provision of a national network infrastructure Accountability from the desktop to the state house
The Challenge To achieve true accountability in our industry Collaborate on a national standard and infrastructure Can we afford not to?
Thank you!