Analyzing the Audience and Setting
Audience-Centeredness Audience Members tend to be egocentric: The tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being. Audience-Centeredness involves: Keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation.
Questions for Audience-Centeredness To whom am I speaking? What do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech? What is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim?
Factors of Demographic Audience Analysis Age Gender Sexual orientation Racial, ethnic, and cultural background Religion Group membership
Other Questions to Ask: Are they a general or specific audience? Why are they there? Why does this matter?
What are their Values? In-depth analysis could include surveying or interviewing audience members Closed-ended questions Scale questions Open-ended questions
Fixed-Alternative Question Do you know what the insanity plea is in the U.S. legal system? Yes___________ No____________ Not Sure_______
Scale Question Do you agree or disagree with the following: Expert psychologists can determine with a high degree of accuracy whether or not a defendant is criminally insane. strongly agree mildly agree mildly disagree strongly disagree undecided
Situational Analysis Where and when will the speech take place? How long am I expected to speak? How many people will attend? What equipment is there? How formal is the event? (Will I be able to interact with the members?) Who else will be speaking? Are there any special circumstances I should be aware of?