Creating a Culture of Servic Phillip Rosebrook, JR, CR Business Mentors ELC Training Phillip Rosebrook, JR, CR Business Mentors ELC Training
Values What is important in your company What is measured? What is celebrated? What is important in your company What is measured? What is celebrated?
Definitions of Success A survey It is a Zen thing An invitation to compete A survey It is a Zen thing An invitation to compete
Definitions Good customer service Great service Sustainable competitive advantage The Golden Rule Good customer service Great service Sustainable competitive advantage The Golden Rule
Special Thanks Steve Toburen Strategies for Success Healing the Loss Steve Toburen Strategies for Success Healing the Loss
Framing the Issue Our customer Emotional dynamics Invasion of their home Out of control Weve done this 1000 times
Foundation for Success Moments of Truth Your frontline staff represents your company Empower your staff Moments of Truth Your frontline staff represents your company Empower your staff
Understanding A Service Business Buying goods
No More Happy Customers A definition A cheerleader customer is someone that goes out of their way to say something good about your company
Transformational Service Concept #1 Create a cheerleader customer and everything takes care of itself
What Are We Selling? Attention to detail Care and concern Ability to focus on their business Comfort Attention to detail Care and concern Ability to focus on their business Comfort
Our Main Product Cheerleader Customers When Customer service becomes a system then it ceases to be a problem. Cheerleader Customers When Customer service becomes a system then it ceases to be a problem.
Emotional Bank Account
Transformational Service Concept #2 A cheerleader is created when you dramatically exceed your customers baseline expectations
Currency Moments of truth Opportunities for deposits Withdrawals
Transformational Service Concept #3 A moment of truth is anytime that a customer comes into contact with your company and forms an opinion - either consciously or negatively or positive or negative
Transformational Service Concept #4 Moments of truth are cumulative. You have a bank account of moments of truth. You will have unexpected withdrawals. It takes twelve positive moments of truth to counter each negative moment of truth
Value of a Cheerleader Fewer call backs Less employee turnover $1,000,000 Referrals Agent and adjuster Makes job more fun Jobs finished faster with less complaints Referrals Agent and adjuster Makes job more fun Jobs finished faster with less complaints
Inferior Competition? Why does it seem the proficiency doesnt matter? Why is the competition in business Our clients are different - you dont understand How can it be? Why does it seem the proficiency doesnt matter? Why is the competition in business Our clients are different - you dont understand How can it be?
Transformational Service Concept #5 80/20 Rule – Over eighty percent of how a person judges the quality of the service that they receive is based on the person doing the work. Twenty percent is based on the work that is completed.
A Quick Story What are you selling? What is your customer buying?
Transformational Service Concept #6 You will be recognized for your service delivery when you start to perfect the delivery of the benefits of the service rather than on delivering a restored home!
Rules of the Game Consistency and repetition Why McDonalds So smooth it is not noticed Consistency and repetition Why McDonalds So smooth it is not noticed
Action Plan Training Language Celebration and reinforcement Company culture Training Language Celebration and reinforcement Company culture
Responsibility and Accountability Reinforce commitment from the top Put someone in charge Leader publicly communicates but doesnt manage Reinforce commitment from the top Put someone in charge Leader publicly communicates but doesnt manage
Key Criteria 3 As Appearance Attitude Actions 3 As Appearance Attitude Actions
Training Tools Healing the Loss Books Moments of Truth Raving Fans Positively Outrageous Service Become a student of Service Healing the Loss Books Moments of Truth Raving Fans Positively Outrageous Service Become a student of Service
New Employees Formal orientation Training tools Healing the Loss ELC Training Parameters for decisions Discuss company standards Formal orientation Training tools Healing the Loss ELC Training Parameters for decisions Discuss company standards
Involve Your Subs Subs for Subs Inserts with payment Written standards Training tools Awards and celebration Subs for Subs Inserts with payment Written standards Training tools Awards and celebration
Language - The Key to Culture Lose the language - lose the culture Words mean things Change your companys vocabulary
Customer Service Language Credit to Steve Toburen - strategies for suc ess Cheerleader customers Moments of Truth Customer Eyeglasses Baseline expectations Credit to Steve Toburen - strategies for suc ess Cheerleader customers Moments of Truth Customer Eyeglasses Baseline expectations
More Language Internal company and procedures External company and procedures Service System Hand-off Internal company and procedures External company and procedures Service System Hand-off
Celebration and Reinforcement Focus on desired behaviors Dont over-train Make a part of corporate vision and philosophy Publicly recognize and reward Focus on desired behaviors Dont over-train Make a part of corporate vision and philosophy Publicly recognize and reward
Company Culture Just the way we do things around here. Steve Toburen Culture is determined by what you say and do - everyone is watching Consistency in all aspects of operations create a cheerleader and everything takes care of itself - Toburen Words alone do not create a culture Just the way we do things around here. Steve Toburen Culture is determined by what you say and do - everyone is watching Consistency in all aspects of operations create a cheerleader and everything takes care of itself - Toburen Words alone do not create a culture
Legendary Service Examples Start with understanding Celebrate Establish parameters Challenge your staff Reward performance Examples Start with understanding Celebrate Establish parameters Challenge your staff Reward performance
Tips for Creating Culture Customer comment cards Read and meetings Post prominently Celebrate and company meetings Challenge staff Hand written notes Special gifts for affiliates Customer comment cards Read and meetings Post prominently Celebrate and company meetings Challenge staff Hand written notes Special gifts for affiliates
More Have employees tell stories Welcome home gifts Personal notes and letters from the president Customer service awards Customer phone calls Respond to customer recommendations Challenge your staff Have employees tell stories Welcome home gifts Personal notes and letters from the president Customer service awards Customer phone calls Respond to customer recommendations Challenge your staff
Above and Beyond Nominated by employees Box or online Nominations publicly read Set people up for success Provide award - $ and recognition Make it prestigious - press release Annual draw Nominated by employees Box or online Nominations publicly read Set people up for success Provide award - $ and recognition Make it prestigious - press release Annual draw
Summary Commitment Provide a foundation Celebrate Consistency Measure Passion Involve your ENTIRE team Commitment Provide a foundation Celebrate Consistency Measure Passion Involve your ENTIRE team
Transformational Service Concept #1 Create a cheerleader customer and everything takes care of itself
Transformational Service Concept #2 A cheerleader is created when you dramatically exceed your customers baseline expectations
Transformational Service Concept #3 A moment of truth is anytime that a customer comes into contact with yoru company and forms an opinion - either consciously or negatively or positive or negative
Transformational Service Concept #4 Moments of truth are cumulative. You have a bank account of moments of truth. You will have unexpected withdrawals. It takes twelve positive moments of truth to counter each negative moment of truth
Transformational Service Concept #5 80/20 Rule – Over eighty percent of how a person judges the quality of the service that they receive is based on the person doing the work. Twenty percent is based on the work that is completed.
Transformational Service Concept #6 You will be recognized for your service delivery when your start to perfect the delivery of the benefits of the service rather than on delivering a restored home!
Now Go out and make a cheerleader!
Activity Your best customer service idea Best service story outside your company Best service story inside your company Effective tools to create culture Communication to staff Your best customer service idea Best service story outside your company Best service story inside your company Effective tools to create culture Communication to staff