Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board. Learning from SAR’s (Newcastle upon Tyne and others) 28 September 2018 Robert Lake Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
SAR/SCR Newcastle upon Tyne LSAB & LSCB Background (1) Over Christmas 2013, a 21-year-old woman who has a learning disability began to speak to her social worker about experiences of sexual exploitation over a long period. With encouragement, support and great courage, in January 2014 she gave a statement to the police in which she detailed her abuse and concerns about other children and young people. Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
SAR/SCR Newcastle upon Tyne LSAB & LSCB Background (2). This account and other intelligence suggested the extent of sexual exploitation was greater than previously identified – Operation Sanctuary was launched. Operation Sanctuary led initially to arrests of over 30 men, accompanied by a publicity campaign. Subsequent inquiries confirmed that sexual exploitation was occurring in the Newcastle area on a much larger scale than previously recognised. Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
SAR/SCR Newcastle upon Tyne LSAB & LSCB Background (3) The victims of exploitation were, as in high-profile cases elsewhere, young children but were also children approaching adulthood and adults with vulnerabilities. Over a period of years some perpetrators had abused hundreds of victims The extent of targeting of adults with vulnerabilities appears not to have been identified elsewhere in the country. Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
NEWCASTLE MAIN FINDINGS (1) The interagency response had been swift, determined and committed. It led to disruption, prosecution and conviction of significant numbers of perpetrators and lengthy prison sentences. Large numbers of victims have been identified, supported and protected. Despite comprehensive action to disrupt and prosecute perpetrators and the publicity that this has attracted, sexual exploitation continues. Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
NEWCASTLE MAIN FINDINGS (2) Information available about likely profiles of perpetrators and what drives their activities, including the extent to which cultural values and attitudes are relevant is very limited. Sexual exploitation of boys and men is complex and hidden with different models to those identified with female victims. Sexual exploitation is not restricted to child victims; vulnerability is not determined by age and it is likely that extensive abuse of vulnerable adults is taking place across the country unrecognised. Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
NEWCASTLE MAIN FINDINGS (3) A particular feature of a number of victims was early history of bereavement or loss which had not been addressed effectively. The most effective way to address sexual exploitation and safeguard and promote the welfare of victims is to resource multi-agency teams, co-located in the areas in which sexual exploitation takes place. A total of 18 local Recommendations were made A total of 15 national Recommendations were made The full 150 page report is available on the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board web-site Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
Themes Emerging from SAR’s Nationally [Preston-Shoot, Braye, Orr] (1) Failure to follow the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal: e.g. failure to Consult with Significant Others Failure to consider bereavement and loss Failure to worry: concerned and professional curiosity is needed Failure to fully implement/lack of expertise in the Mental Capacity Act requirements and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Note: Executive capacity may be lacking Tendency to use MHA rather than MCA Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
Themes Emerging from SAR’s Nationally (2) Inappropriate focus on managing crises/referral on/case closure Inadequate or Non-Existent Risk Assessments Stand Alone IT Systems Lack of Feedback on Safeguarding Referrals Policies, Procedures and Training must make sense at the front line Impact of Organisational Change Failure to use Sec 9/Sec 42 Care Act appropriately Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business
Themes Emerging from SAR’s Above all: Poor communication within and between agencies --- 0 --- Thank You Any Questions? Because Safeguarding is everybody’s business