Moving to High School A Transition Programme for P7/S1 Shirley Illman, Literacy Services West Lothian Council
Background Need for much more than support with basic skills of literacy Part of a longitudinal study of pupils and parents over the transition year Necessity to work collaboratively with primary and high school Organisation and development
Aims of the Programme Understand the nature of dyslexia Identify individual learning styles and how we learn best Develop metacognition skills Teach strategies for coping - personal organisation, mind mapping, colour coded timetables and books Introduce helpful resources - ACE Dictionary, ICT, Raise self-esteem Bring together pupils with similar difficulties Deal with concerns about moving to High School Extending study skills
Main Elements of Course Introduction to the course Metacognition Cards Mind Mapping Strengths and Weaknesses Visual timetables Learning Styles
Main Elements of Course Organisational skills e.g. homework, bag Highlighting information Ace Dictionary/ Spelling Strategies Vocabulary for High School Worries about High School Visit from High School Staff Self Reflection
Main Elements of S1 Course Experiences in S1 and Swot Analysis Reading Strategies Listening Activities Visualisation