Introduction to Unit 14 Administration
Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care Assignment 1: Causes, diagnosis and treatment of disease January 14th – March 1st Assignment 2: Individual Treatment Plan March 4th - May 8th
How do the four units lead to your final grade?
Holy Cross BTEC Assessment Policy (1) Deadline dates are IMPORTANT! Will always be the same day and time each week during your single lesson Missed deadline: Case conference, Orange intervention, no re-submission Missed re-submission – first submission mark only Second miss – removed from course E block Wednesdays 12noon C block Mondays 1pm B block Tuesdays 1pm
Holy Cross BTEC Assessment Policy (2) Plagiarism – Serious plagiarism is treated as a missed deadline Extensions must be requested by email 24 hours BEFORE the deadline and must have clear extenuating circumstances
Getting organised… New file One Drive folder and Word documents Log book Turnitin UK
Assess your Coursework skills Reflect on strengths and weaknesses in doing coursework Set targets for this unit Write them in your log book
Two Assignments - Four Tasks Causes and Effects of Disease Diagnosis of Disease Treatment of Disease Assignment 2: Individual Treatment Plan
HEALTH WEBSITE All Booklets, handouts and checklists Unit 14 textbook Recommended websites WAGOLL