How often do you confer with your students about their writing. A How often do you confer with your students about their writing? A. Almost Never B. Monthly C. Weekly D. Daily
What types of conferences have you implemented regularly. A What types of conferences have you implemented regularly? A. Student-Teacher B. Peer Conference C. Small Group D. All of the above
How effective do you believe conferring is in improving student achievement in your classroom? A. Very Effective B. Somewhat Effective C. A Waste of Time
Do you use conference records to plan your instruction. A. Always B Do you use conference records to plan your instruction? A. Always B. Sometimes C. Never
What is your biggest obstacle with conferring. A. Time B. Know-how C What is your biggest obstacle with conferring? A. Time B. Know-how C. Management D. Student Apathy E. All of the above