A New Transaction in Healthcare Independent Health Record Banks Cerner Corporation A New Transaction in Healthcare Independent Health Record Banks Amanda Adkins Director of Government and Industry
A bipartisan approach: A New Transaction in healthcare Saving money and lives using non-centric, consumer-driven independent health record banks Charter for not-for-profit, cooperative institutions with member-owned accounts IHRBs could save money and lives Sale of data with revenue considered tax-free income Gives providers access to data in emergencies Vision for a “New Transaction” Paul Ryan U.S. Rep, R-Wis Dennis Moore U.S. Rep, D-Kan "By offering member-owned accounts, independent health record banks have one focus—the patient.” - U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.
S. 3454 & H.R. 5559: Independent Health Record Bank Act Financial sustainability from a multi-sided economic model Protects the privacy of individuals IHRBs would drive EHR adoption by physicians and payers Regulatory oversight by the Federal government Tax free income for consumers and tax incentives for employers