disability Word of the Day Week of September 26, 2016 disability (noun) a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. (not having the ability to do something) Sentence: Lisa’s sister uses a wheelchair because she has a physical disability.
disadvantage Word of the Day Week of September 26, 2016 disadvantage (noun) a condition or a situation that causes some sort of a problem Sentence: The football team was at a disadvantage because three players are injured.
disagree Word of the Day Week of September 26, 2016 disagree (verb) to have a different opinion or idea about something Sentence: The class disagreed on what game they should play.
disintegrate Word of the Day Week of September 26, 2016 disintegrate (verb) to break into small pieces; to undo the togetherness of something Sentence: The morning exercise group will disintegrate after today's meeting.