Bell Ringer What did Benjamin Franklin mean by drawing the Join or Die cartoon?
The American Revolution #NoMoreKing!!!
Question? What would cause normal citizens to rebel and protest against the government?
Lexington and Concord Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the Revolutionary War. Colonists were now forced to choose sides between the British and the Rebels. Those who supported the British were called Loyalists. Those who supported the Rebels (Colonists) were called Patriots.
The Battle of Bunker Hill In Boston tensions were running very high between the British troops and the local militia. The two engaged in a battle known as the Battle of Bunker Hill. In the end, the Redcoats won the battle but there were great losses on both sides.
Olive Branch Petition Although it was clear there was a lot of conflict between the British and the colonies, many colonist still believed peace could be achieved and considered themselves loyal to the crown. The Olive Branch Petition was drafted and sent to the king in London. The petition asked the king to restore harmony between Britain and the colonies. The king rejected the petition and announced new ways in which the colonists would be punished.
Common Sense Early in 1776 many colonist still wanted to avoid a huge conflict with Britain. An English immigrant by the name of Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called "Common Sense". This pamphlet strongly stated the reasons why America must separate from the British crown. It was an instant success.
Question? Why did the Colonists change their minds about trying to repair their relationship with the King after reading Common Sense?
Declaration Of Independence In May of 1776, the Continental Congress was still divided on whether or not they should declare independence from Britain. A committee was formed to draft the Declaration of Independence. The committee included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. Because Jefferson was a great writer he wrote the Declaration. On July 2, 1776 the resolution was considered again, and it was passed.
Declaration Cont. July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the congress. The declaration is based on the core beliefs that people have unalienable rights that the government can not take away. If the government disregards these rights to the people, then the people have the right to abolish that old government and form a new one.
It’s too Late to Apologize!
School House Rock #NOMOREKING!!!