*When publisher same as website list it once. Objective: Students will be able to research various sources and create citations in MLA style DO NOW: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the website, Name of the publisher, Date of publication, URL. Using the sample from above create an MLA citation Website- LyricsTraining.com (italics) Publisher- LyricsTraining.com Date published-2017 URL www://LyricsTraining.com *When publisher same as website list it once. * Date retrieved/accessed is not required but recommended.
Do Now citation in MLA style
Answer to citation in MLA LyricsTraining. com. 2017 Answer to citation in MLA LyricsTraining.com. 2017. www://lyricstraining.com.
Assignment As a group you will travel through each station and follow the directions on the worksheet La Recherche Langage Ecoutez Conversation La Realite Virtuelle
La Recherche Library Homepage Go to the Library homepage and click on Teacher Projects Scroll down to French IV Mrs. Amari Holiday Escape While at the La Recherche station you will be using databases World Book and CultureGrams for the assignment as well as the online sources. Be sure to cite the articles used to find the information. Username: mtsinaihs Password: mustang When searching use “and” to narrow the search, i.e. France and celebrations
WORLD BOOK Using Citation Builder Create citation for any source outside of the databases
Create a Google Slide Show With your assigned groups create a Slide Show from the information on your worksheets. Label Each Slide and provide a Bibliographie slide citing the sources that were used throughout the stations. .
Google Classroom: To create, Open and Save Files Login Information To access your Mt. Sinai Google Classroom account, go to: http://classroom.google.com Username: 1st two initials followed by your last name followed by mtsinai.k12.ny.us. ex: jodoe@mtsinai.k12.ny.us Password: current Mt. Sinai computer password (Mssd and student ID number).