I. The Preliminaries (4 years) All Candidates have to do three things 1. Establish record 2. Develop power base 3. Strategy to win convention delegates
B. In-Party Preliminaries 1. All candidates have to wait for Pres.’ decision to run or: 2. All in-party must carry the record of the President.
C. Out-party preliminaries 1. All it has to do is criticize & tear down 2. Much easier to do than build up.
D. Role of the Media 1. Create a front-runner 2. If labeled a loser or winner, ability to raise money is affected
3. Television: a. Spots or visuals (define) 1. Effects on general election is small because of many sources of info 2. Debates: Good and bad effects Examples http://youtu.be/zHGs4535W_o 3. Direct Mailings
II. Delegate Selection Each state’s party decides how to choose delegates 1. Primaries: opened, closed, blanket 2. Conventions: local meetings, then districts, then state 3. Caucuses:
III. The National Conventions Functions 1. Nominates 2. Adopts a party platform 3. Serves as a campaign rally