CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Modernising the Planning Service in Clackmannanshire Stephen Bell Head of Development Services
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Achieve and support sustainable economic growth whilst protecting the natural and built environment. The Development Plan. Targetted regeneration projects. Promoting and supporting transport infrastructure improvements. Dealing with planning applications quickly, efficiently and effectively having regard to the reasonable needs and expectations of users of the service.
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Developers/applicants want:- - decisions made quickly - certainty/predictability - consistency Local communities want:- - sensitivity to local views - consistency - certainty Councillors want: - efficiency - robust professional advice - key policy objectives achieved
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Speed and efficiency in decision-making. Openness, accountability and inclusiveness. Support for the sustainable economic development of the area. High standards in terms of decision- making and the resultant development on the ground.
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Overly bureaucratic Slow to respond to commercial and economic needs Unpredictable outcomes Over complex, intimidating and lacking transparency Frustrating key local political objectives e.g. affordable housing, public infrastructure, waste management and transport 70% of Local Plans more than 5 years old and 20% over 15 years old
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL The Executives top priority is promoting sustainable economic growth to create a modern and vibrant Scotland. A modern and up to date planning system is critical to achieving this objective Sustainable growth requires development and the role of planning is to ensure that this development is encouraged and managed in a sustainable way (Forward to Modernising the Planning System – 2005)
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Maintaining an up to date Development Plan (1994, 1999, 2004 Local Plans and Reviewed Local Plans) Focus on speed and quality of decision-making on planning applications Publicising information on performance regularly Publicising comprehensive information on applications received and decided on a weekly basis
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Having a customer focussed approach to application handling:- - householder - business Encouraging and engaging in early and open pre-application discussions Preparing development/planning briefs for sites allocated in the Local Plan Producing comprehensive reports on all applications for Committee or delegated decision
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Steadily increasing the level of officer delegation. Carrying out Neighbour Notification on proposed land allocations in the Draft Local Plan (Clackmannanshire was one of the first to do this in 2002/2003) Using IT systems to improve the administration of application handling. Being one of the first Councils in Scotland to publish planning applications on the internet (2004)
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Management of the planning application consultation process on-line (2004) Introducing a scheme allowing objectors and applicants to make oral representations before decisions are made on planning applications (2005) Achievement of Chartermark accreditation in 2000 and renewed and extended to Building Standards and Roads and Transportation in 2005.
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Adopting and implementing an Enforcement Strategy (1999). Carrying out customer satisfaction surveys and responding to comments and complaints constructively and positively Training and developing staff and adopting innovative service improvement models to enhance service delivery and respond to changing expectations Changing the name of the Team from Development Control to Development Quality
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Planning application determination performance consistently in the top two in Scotland Growth in number and complexity of applications has not impacted adversely on performance Rapid growth planned for and directed to benefit wider community Quality of development High satisfaction levels recorded